Authors: Mitrović, Radivoj
Momčilović, Dejan
Atanasovska, Ivana 
Hut, Nenad
Title: Service life prediction of running steel wire ropes
Other Titles: Predviđanje veka čeličnog žičanog užeta u eksploataciji
Journal: Structural Integrity and Life
Volume: 10
Issue: 3
First page: 199
Last page: 202
Conference: Ninth Meeting “New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture” (NT2F9) Belgrade, Serbia, 12-14 October 2009
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2010
Rank: M53
ISSN: 1451-3749
Very high strength enables wire ropes to support large tensile forces and to run over sheaves with relative small diameters. Very high strength steel wires had already been in existence for more than a hundred years when patenting, a special heating process was introduced and the drawing process improved. Since then, further improvements have only occurred in relatively small steps. Wire ropes always have a limited service life. Therefore they must be inspected and examined at regular intervals so that they are replaced well before failure. End-users of machinery with steel wire ropes, however, would like to have a rough estimation of the service life of the ropes already in the early stages of conceiving their machines, so that they can, if necessary, improve the reeving system. This is one of the reasons why for many years extensive research is carried out in order to improve calculations for predicting the service life of wire ropes. This paper is meant to offer an overview information on the method of calculation and to demonstrate the potential and limitations of the forecasting procedure for service-life prediction of running steel wire ropes.
Keywords: Prediction | Service life | Steel wire ropes
Publisher: Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK)
Project: Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia, Project TR 14033

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