Browsing by Author Davidović, Tatjana

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Showing results 34 to 53 of 117 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Kordić, Stevan; Kovač, Nataša; Davidović, Tatjana Divide and Conquer Approach to Discrete Berth Allocation Problem2015Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin; XII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, BALCOR 2015; XVIII(2); 307-316M30
Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana ; Davidović, Tatjana Empirical Analysis of the Bee Colony Optimization Method on 3-SAT Problem2016XLIII Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYMOPIS 2016; 297-301M60
Kovač, Nataša; Davidović, Tatjana ; Stanimirović, ZoricaEvolutionary algorithm for the minimum cost hybrid berth allocation problem20-Jan-2016IISA 2015 - 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications; 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISA 2015; Ionian University Corfu; Greece; 6 July 2015 through 8 July 2015
Davidović, Tatjana Exhaustive list-scheduling heuristic for dense task graphs1-Dec-2000Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research; 10(1); 123-136M50
Cvetković, Dragoš; Davidović, Tatjana Exhaustive Search for Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks with Small Tightness Value2008XXXV Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYMOPIS 2008; 329-332M60
Davidović, Tatjana ; Todorović, Milan ; Sharma, Bharat; Ramljak, DušanExploring Arbitrary Real-Life Problems in Proof-of-Useful-Work: Myth Busting?1-Jan-20232023 5th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications, BCCA 2023M33
Davidović, Tatjana ; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan First vs Best Improvement Strategies on Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems20026th Balkan Conference on Operational Research; 61-61M30
Šević, Irina; Jovanovic, Raka; Urošević, Dragan ; Davidović, Tatjana Fixed Set Search Applied to the Max-Cut Problem1-Jan-20242024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2024 - ProceedingsM33
Davidović, Tatjana ; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad Formulacija problema rasporedjivnja zadataka na više procesora korišćenjem matematičkog programiranja2003XXX Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYMOPIS 2003; 331-334M60
Matijević, Luka ; Davidović, Tatjana ; Ilin, Vladimir; Pardalos, PanosGeneral Variable Neighborhood Search for Asymmetric Vehicle Routing Problem2019XLVI Symposium on Operational Research, SYMOPIS 2019, Kladovo, Sept. 15-18, 2019; 185-190M63
Matijević, Luka ; Jelić, Slobodan; Davidović, Tatjana General variable neighborhood search approach to group steiner tree problem2023Optimization Letters; 17; 2087-2111M22
Radanović, Luka; Mijović, Ana; Urošević, Dragan ; Davidović, Tatjana ; Jovanović, RakaGeneral Variable Neighborhood Search for Maximum Diversity Problem with Capacity and Budget Constraints2024Expert Systems with Applications; 126188~M21a
Stanimirović, Zorica; Stakić, Đorđe; Davidović, Tatjana ; Anokić, AnaGeneral Variable Neighborhood Search for Scheduling Heterogeneous Vehicles in Agriculture1-Jan-2019Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 6th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, ICVNS 2018; Sithonia; Greece; 4 October 2018 through 7 October 2018; 11328 LNCS; 125-140
Matijević, Luka ; Stanković, Una ; Davidović, Tatjana General variable neighborhood search for the weighted scheduling problem with deadlines and release times2021XLVIII International Symposium on Operational Research, SYM-OP-IS 2021, Banja Koviljača, 20-23. septembar 2021.; 207-212M33
Matijević, Luka ; Ilin, Vladimir; Davidović, Tatjana ; Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana ; Pardalos, Panos M.General VNS for asymmetric vehicle routing problem with time and capacity constraints1-Jul-2024Computers and Operations Research; 167; 106630~M21
Davidović, Tatjana ; Mladenović, Nenad Genetic algorithms for multiprocessor scheduling problem with communication delays200110. kongres matematičara Jugoslavije; 321-324M60
Cvetković, Dragoš; Davidović, Tatjana ; Ilić, Aleksandar; Simić, Slobodan Graphs for small multiprocessor interconnection networks15-Nov-2010Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(6); 2468-2480M21
Davidović, Tatjana ; Janićijević, StefanaHeuristic Approach to Scheduling Independent Tasks on Identical Processor2009Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2009; 1-6M60
Davidović, Tatjana ; Maraš, VladislavHeuristike za određivanje rečnih transportnih linija plovidbe konetenerskih brodova2008Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2008; 1-6M60
Davidović, Tatjana Hibridizacija metaheurističkih metoda za rešavanje problema raspoređivanja2005Symp. on information technology, YUINFO 2005; 1-6M60