Showing results 136 to 155 of 162
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Todorčević, Stevo | Some consequences of MA + ¬wKH | 1-Jan-1981 | Topology and its Applications; 12(2); 187-202 | |
Todorčević, Stevo | Some partitions of three-dimensional combinatorial cubes | 1-Jan-1994 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A; 68(2); 410-437 | |
Di Prisco, Carlos Augusto; Todorčević, Stevo | Souslin partitions of products of finite sets | 1-Jun-2003 | Advances in Mathematics; 176(1); 145-173 | M21a |
Todorčević, Stevo | Souslinean spaces and Tychonoff cubes | 1996 | Sci. Rev. Ser. Sci. Eng; 19-20; 7-13 | M50 |
Todorčević, Stevo | Special square sequences | 1-Jan-1989 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 105(1); 199-205 | M22 |
Todorčević, Stevo | Stationary sets, trees and continuums | 1981 | Publications de l'Institut Mathématique; 29(43); 249-262 | M24 |
Todorčević, Stevo ; Tyros, Konstantinos | Subsets of products of finite sets of positive upper density | 1-Jan-2013 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A; 120(1); 183-193 | M21 |
Raghavan, Dilip; Todorčević, Stevo | Suslin trees, the bounding number, and partition relations | 18-Apr-2018 | Israel Journal of Mathematics; 225(2); 771-796 | M22 |
Todorčević, Stevo | The functor σ²X | 10-Apr-1995 | Studia Math; 116(1); 49-57 | M23 |
Ball, Richard; Gochev, V.; Hager, Anthony; Todorčević, Stevo ; Zoble, Stuart | Topological group criterion for C (X) in compact-open-like topologies, I | 1-Feb-2009 | Topology and its Applications; 156(4); 710-720 | M23 |
Todorčević, Stevo ; Väänänen, Jouko | Trees and ehrenfeucht-fraïssé games | 15-Oct-1999 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 100(1-3); 69-97 | M22 |
Lopez, Fulgencio; Todorčević, Stevo | Trees and gaps from a construction scheme | 1-Jan-2017 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 145(2); 871-879 | |
Todorčević, Stevo | Trees and Linearly Ordered Sets | 1984 | Handbook of Set Theoretic Topology; 235-294 | M14 |
Todorčević, Stevo | Trees, subtrees and order types | 1-Jan-1981 | Annals of Mathematical Logic; 20(3); 233-268 | |
Dobrinen, Natasha; Todorčević, Stevo | Tukey types of ultrafilters | 1-Dec-2011 | Illinois Journal of Mathematics; 55(3); 907-951 | M23 |
Todorčević, Stevo | Two examples of borel partially ordered sets with the countable chain condition | 1-Jan-1991 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 112(4); 1125-1128 | M22 |
Avilés, Antonio; Todorčević, Stevo | Types in the n-adic tree and minimal analytic gaps | 9-Apr-2016 | Advances in Mathematics; 292; 558-600 | M21a |
Guevara Parra, Francisco; Todorčević, Stevo | Types of countable sequential groups | 1-Sep-2020 | Topology and its Applications; 283; 107337 | M23 |
Bonnet, Robert; Kubiś, Wiesław; Todorčević, Stevo | Ultrafilter selection and Corson compacta | 2022 | Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales - Serie A: Matematicas; 116; 178 | ~M21a |
Dodos, Pandelis; Lopez-Abad, Jordi; Todorčević, Stevo | Unconditional basic sequences in spaces of large density | 1-Mar-2011 | Advances in Mathematics; 226(4); 3297-3308 | M21a |