Showing results 87 to 106 of 229
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Wang, Jian; Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Harn, Lein; Imai, Hideki | A hierarchical key management approach for secure multicast | 1-Jan-2006 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 3894 LNCS; 422-434 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | Illustrative Examples on Interactions of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology - Keynote Talk | 2022 | International High-End Technology Seminar on Artificial Inteligence, Jinan, China, 13-15 Sept. 2022 | M32 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | Ilustrativni napretci u tehnikama kriptologije i blokčejn tehnologije | 2023 | Naučni simpozijum Nauka i male zemlje: Sinergija Dijaspore, Matice i Prijatelja Crne Gore; Zbornik radova, knjiga 162; 409-415 | M62 |
Todorović, Milan ; Knežević, Milica ; Ševerdija, D.; Jelić, S.; Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | Implementation Framework of a Blockchain Based Infrastructure for Electricity Trading within a Microgrid | 2024 | EAI CollaborateCom 2023 - 19th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing", October 4-6, 2023, Corfu Island, Greece; Proceedings; Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing; LNICST 561; 38-53 | M33 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Sinha, N.; Gangopadhyay, S.; Maitra, S.; Paul, G.; Matsuura, K. | An Improved Cryptanalsis of Lightweight Stream Cipher Grain-v1 | 2017 | 2nd CRYPTACUS Workshop, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 16. - 18. Nov, 2017 | M33 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Fossorier, Marc P. C.; Imai, Hideki | An improved fast correlation attack based on list decoding | 1-Jan-2003 | IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings; 165 | |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | Informaciona bzbednost i blokčejn tehnologija | 2022 | | M99 |
Oggier, Frederique; Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | An information-theoretic security evaluation of a class of randomized encryption schemes | 1-Feb-2014 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security; 9(2); 158-168 | M21a |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Gangopadhyay, Sugata; Paul, Goutam; Imai, Hideki | Internal state recovery of Grain-v1 employing normality order of the filter function | 1-Jun-2012 | IET Information Security; 6(2); 55-64 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Gangopadhyay, Sugata; Paul, Goutam; Imai, Hideki | Internal state recovery of keystream generator LILI-128 based on a novel weakness of the employed Boolean function | 15-Nov-2012 | Information Processing Letters; 112(21); 805-810 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | An iterative probabilistic decoding algorithm for binary linear block codes beyond the half minimum distance | 1-Jan-1997 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 1255; 237-249 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marinković, Bojan ; Zdravković, Aleksandra; Vujošević, Sandra | Izgradnja osnova za kastomizovanu informaciono-komunikacionu infrastrukturu za pametna električna brojila | 2016 | | M80 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Korać, Vanja ; Todorović, Milan ; Šegan-Radonjić, Marija ; Vujošević, Sandra | Izgradnja osnova za virtuelnu desktop infrastruktura (VDI) sa kastomizovanim bezbednosnim rešenjima | 2016 | | M80 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marković, M.; Mijajlović, Z. | Izveštaj o bezbednosnim karakteristikama Digitrust PKI rešenja | 2006 | | M80 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Korać, Vanja ; Todorović, Milan ; Marinković, Bojan | Kastomizovani metod i softfer za federativno upravljanje identitetima FIM (Federated Identity Management) | 2016 | | M85 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. | Key management schemes for stateless receivers based on time varying heterogeneous logical key hierarchy | 1-Dec-2003 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 2894; 137-154 | M23 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Fossorier, Marc P. C.; Imai, Hideki | Key management with minimized secret storage employing an erasure channel approach | 1-Jan-2005 | IEEE Communications Letters; 9(8); 741-743 | M21 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Marković, Zoran ; Urošević, Dragan ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Kolekcija tehničkih rešenja sa naprednim kriptografskim mehanizmima za servise zaštite podataka | 2001 | | M85 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Ognjanović, Zoran | Komunikacija mašina-mašina javnim kanalima: Koncept i izazovi bezbednosti | 2013 | BISEC 2013, Srbija | M62 |
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Stijović, D.; Marić, B.; Popadić, S.; Ivanović, M. | Koncept za uporedjivanje i uporedni pregled tri tehnike za za stitu informacionih sistema: Kerberos, SESAME i SSH | 1999 | Info-Science; 7(6); 8-13 | M50 |