Browsing by Author Farah, Ilijas

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 83  next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Farah, Ilijas ; Ketchersid, Richard; Larson, Paul; Magidor, MenachemABSOLUTENESS FOR UNIVERSALLY BAIRE SETS AND THE UNCOUNTABLE II2008Computational Prospects of Infinity Part II : Presented Talks; 15; 163-192
Farah, Ilijas ; Larson, PaulABSOLUTENESS FOR UNIVERSALLY BAIRE SETS AND THEUNCOUNTABLE I2006Set Theory. Recent Trends and Applications; 17; 47-92
Farah, Ilijas Absoluteness, truth, and quotients1-Jan-2014Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences; 25; 1-24
Farah, Ilijas All automorphisms of all Calkin algebras1-Jan-2011Mathematical Research Letters; 18(3); 489-503M21
Farah, Ilijas All automorphisms of the Calkin algebra are inner1-Mar-2011Annals of Mathematics; 173(2); 619-661M21a
Farah, Ilijas Analytic hausdorff gaps II: The density zero ideal1-Jan-2006Israel Journal of Mathematics; 154; 235-246M22
Farah, Ilijas Analytic quotients theory of liftings for quotients over analytic ideals on the integers1-Nov-2000702; 1-171M21a
Farah, Ilijas Approximate homomorphisms1-Jan-1998Combinatorica; 18(3); 335-348M21
Farah, Ilijas Approximate homomorphisms II: Group homomorphisms1-Jan-2000Combinatorica; 20(1); 47-60M21
Coskey, Samuel; Farah, Ilijas Automorphisms of corona algebras, and group cohomology1-Jan-2014Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; 366(7); 3611-3630M21
Farah, Ilijas ; Rørdam, MikaelAxiomatizability of the stable rank of C*-algebras25-Nov-2016Münster Journal of Mathematics; 10(2); 269-275
Farah, Ilijas Basis problem for turbulent actions I: Tsirelson submeasures30-Mar-2001Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 108(1-3); 189-203M21
Farah, Ilijas Basis problem for turbulent actions II: C0-equalities1-Jan-2001Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society; 82(1); 1-30M21a
Farah, Ilijas ; Zapletal, JindřichBetween Maharam's and von Neumann's problems1-Jan-2004Mathematical Research Letters; 11(5-6); 673-684M21
Farah, Ilijas ; Shelah, SaharonBETWEEN REDUCED POWERS AND ULTRAPOWERS, II2022Transactions of the American Mathematical Society; 375(12); 9007-9034~M21
Farah, Ilijas ; Solecki, SławomirBorel subgroups of Polish groups30-Jan-2006Advances in Mathematics; 199(2); 499-541M21a
Farah, Ilijas ; Hirshberg, IlanThe Calkin algebra is not countably homogeneous1-Jan-2016Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 144(12); 5351-5357M22
Farah, Ilijas ; Hirshberg, Ilan; Vignati, AlessandroThe Calkin algebra is ℵ1 -universal1-Mar-2020Israel Journal of Mathematics; 237; 287-309M22
Farah, Ilijas The Calkin algebra, Kazhdan's property (T), and strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras1-Jan-2023Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society~M21
Calderón, Daniel; Farah, Ilijas Can you take Akemann–Weaver's ⋄ℵ1 away?2023Journal of Functional Analysis; 285(5); 110017~M21