Showing results 1 to 20 of 45
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Klén, Riku; Todorčević, Vesna ; Simić, Slavko ; Vuorinen, Matti | Bernoulli inequality and hypergeometric functions | 1-Jan-2014 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 142(2); 559-573 | M22 |
Patel, Uma Devi; Todorčević, Vesna ; Radojevic, Slobodan; Radenović, Stojan | Best Proximity Point for ГτF-Fuzzy Proximal Contraction | 2023 | Axioms; 12(2); 165 | ~M21 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Bi-lipschicity of quasiconformal harmonic mappings in the plane | 2009 | Filomat; 23(1); 85-89 | M23 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Bilipschitz mappings between sectors in planes and quasiconformality | 2009 | Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation; Functional Analysis and Its Applications, Niš, Serbia, June 16-18, 2009; 1(2); 1-6 | M33 |
Arsenović, Miloš; Todorčević, Vesna ; Näkki, Raimo | Boundary modulus of continuity and quasiconformal mappings | 1-Feb-2012 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica; 37(1); 107-118 | M21 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Boundary regularity and VMO: from conformal to HQC mappings | 2024 | International conference on special functions, analytic functions, metrics and quasiconformality, IIT Indore, 17-20. December, Indore, India | M32 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Chord-arc domains, HQC mappings and beyond | 2024 | The 30th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, 19-23. avgust, Sendai, Japan | M32 |
Cvetković, Dragoš; Todorčević, Vesna | Cospectrality graphs of smith graphs | 1-Jan-2019 | Filomat; 33(11); 3269-3276 | M22 |
Dehghan Nezhad, Akbar; Mirkov, Nikola; Todorčević, Vesna ; Radenović, Stojan | Drugačiji pristup prema b(αn,βn)-hipermetričkim prostorima | 2022 | Vojnotehnički glasnik; 70(1); 24-42 | M52 |
Varun Bose, Chandrabose Sindhu; Udhayakumar, Ramalingam; Savatović, Milica; Deiveegan, Arumugam; Todorčević, Vesna ; Radenović, Stojan | Existence of Mild Solution of the Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay on an Infinite Interval | 2023 | Fractal and Fractional; 7(10); 724 | ~M21a |
Todorčević, Vesna | Geometry of domains and harmonic analysis | 2024 | International Conference on Complex Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics, KIIT Bubaneshwar, 16-18. februar, Bubaneshwar, India | M32 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Geometry of domains and HQC mappings | 2024 | QC mappings, elliptic equations and beyond, ICMAT Madrid, 5-7 jun, Madrid, Spain | M32 |
Koskela, Pekka; Lammi, Päivi; Todorčević, Vesna | Gromov hyperbolicity and quasihyperbolic geodesics | 1-Jan-2014 | Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure; 47(5); 975-990 | M21a |
Todorčević, Vesna | Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings and Hyperbolic Type Metrics | 2019 | | M11 |
Todorčević, Vesna | Harmonic quasiconformal mappings in domains in Rn | 2010 | J. Analysis; ICM2010 Satellite Conference International Workshop on Harmonic and Quasiconformal Mappings (HQM2010); 18(2010); 297-316 | M33 |
Arsenović, Miloš; Todorčević, Vesna ; Vuorinen, Matti | Hölder continuity of harmonic quasiconformal mappings | 1-Dec-2011 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2011 | M21 |
Simić, Slavko ; Todorčević, Vesna | Jensen Functional, Quasi-Arithmetic Mean and Sharp Converses of Hölder’s Inequalities | 1-Dec-2021 | Mathematics; 9(23); 3104 | ~M21a |
Arsenović, Miloš; Todorčević, Vesna ; Mateljević, Miodrag | Lipschitz-type spaces and harmonic mappings in the space | 20-Oct-2010 | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica; 35(1); 379-387 | M21 |
Rajić, Stajka; Todorčević, Vesna ; Tasevska, Alma | Mathematics and music game in the function of child’s social and emotional development | 2020 | Školski vjesnik : časopis za pedagogijsku teoriju i praksu; 69(1); 209-225 | M51 |
Todorčević, Vesna ; Rajić, Stajka | Mathematics and music-the merging of science and art | 2017 | Phlogiston; 25(1); 195-213 | M53 |