Authors: Gavrilov, Milivoj
Marković, Slobodan
Jarad, Ali
Korać, Vanja 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: The analysis of temperature trends in Vojvodina (Serbia) from 1949 to 2006
Journal: Thermal Science
Volume: 19
First page: S339
Last page: S350
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Rank: M22
ISSN: 0354-9836
DOI: 10.2298/TSCI150207062G
The annual and seasonal trends of surface air temperatures were analyzed on the territory of Vojvodina, north Serbia, using observed data from 10 meteorological stations during 1949-2006. Of the 15 analyzed time series statistically significant positive trends were found in only 2 series. In the remaining 13 series were found trends with reduced statistical confidence. In general, the behavior of temperature could be considered rather non-changeable, than changeable. Quasi-changeable temperatures from 1949 to 2006 are surprisingly similar to the last glacial July paleo-temperatures. It seems that Vojvodina is a territory with more stable climate parameters than other regions.
Keywords: Climate change | Mann-Kendall test | Temperature trends | Vojvodina region (Serbia)
Publisher: Serbian Society of Heat Transfer Engineers
Project: Transformation of Serbian Geospace ‚Äì lessons from the past, contemporary problems and possible solutions 

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