Authors: Tomović, Siniša 
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. 
Perović, Aleksandar
Ognjanović, Zoran 
Title: A Protocol for Provably Secure Authentication of a Tiny Entity to a High Performance Computing One
Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume: 2016
First page: 9289050:1
Last page: 9289050:9
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2016
Rank: M23
ISSN: 1024-123X
DOI: 10.1155/2016/9289050
The problem of developing authentication protocols dedicated to a specific scenario where an entity with limited computational capabilities should prove the identity to a computationally powerful Verifier is addressed. An authentication protocol suitable for the considered scenario which jointly employs the learning parity with noise (LPN) problem and a paradigm of random selection is proposed. It is shown that the proposed protocol is secure against active attacking scenarios and so called GRS man-in-The-middle (MIM) attacking scenarios. In comparison with the related previously reported authentication protocols the proposed one provides reduction of the implementation complexity and at least the same level of the cryptographic security.
Article no. 9289050
Keywords: Attacking scenarios | Authentication protocols | Computational capability | Cryptographic security | High performance computing | Implementation complexity | Learning parity with noise | Man in the middle
Publisher: Hindawi
Project: Advanced Techniques of Cryptology, Image Processing and Computational Topology for Information Security 

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