Authors: Hedrih, Anđelka 
Hedrih, Vladimir
Title: Attitudes and motives of potential sperm donors in Serbia
Other Titles: Stavovi i motivi potencijalnih davalaca sperme u Srbiji
Journal: Vojnosanitetski Pregled
Volume: 69
Issue: 1
First page: 49
Last page: 57
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2012
Rank: M23
ISSN: 0042-8450
DOI: 10.2298/VSP1201049H
Background/Aim. For curing infertility, sperm donors and their donations are important source of benefits for the society. Attitudes of sperm donors towards different recipient categories and relation with offspring become more important. The aim of our study was to explore sperm donation related attitudes and motives among potential sperm donors in Serbia. Methods. The study included 303 participants from Serbia, age from 20 to 40. Measures of personality traits were obtained by using the Big Five Inventory. For measuring attitudes and motivation regarding sperm donation the Attitudes and Motivation of Sperm Donors questionnaire was applied. Results. A total of 244 participants stated that they would be willing to be sperm donors. The results showed no statistically significant differences in personality traits between people who claimed that they would be willing to become sperm donors, and those claiming otherwise, but a number of differences in personality traits were found when various attitudes regarding sperm donation process, possible users of donated sperm and relations between the donor and his biological offspring were considered. Conclusion. There are no statistically significant differences in personality traits between people who claimed that they would and those that would not be willing to become sperm donors. It is possible that some other factors (e.g. cultural values) influence the decision to become sperm donor, but personality traits play an important role in making decisions regarding sperm donation process, possible receivers of donation and relations between the donor and his biological offspring.
Keywords: Attitude | Motivation | Personality tests | Semen | Serbia | Tissue donors
Publisher: Savezno Ministarstvo Odbrane
Project: Indicators and models of family and work roles harmonization 
Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures. Mechanics of materials. 

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