Authors: Hedrih, Anđelka 
Lazarević, Mihailo
Mitrović-Jovanović, Ana
Title: Influence of sperm impact angle on successful fertilization through mZP oscillatory spherical net model
Journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine
Volume: 59
First page: 19
Last page: 29
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Rank: M22
ISSN: 0010-4825
DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.01.009
According to the available literature, penetrating sperm creates an oblique path trough Zona pellucida (ZP) - the most outer surface of oocytes. Considering fertilization process as an oscillatory phenomenon, the influence of sperm impact angle relative to the oscillatory behavior of mouse ZP is described by using the discrete continuum mechanical model in the form of a spherical net model. A parametric frequency analysis of oscillatory behavior of knot material particles in the mouse ZP (mZP) spherical net model is conducted by using generalized Lussajous curves. The influence of impact angles of sperm cells on the corresponding knot mass particles' resultant trajectory is discussed. Favorable sperm impact angles for successful fertilization are identified.
Keywords: Discrete oscillatory spherical net model | Lissajous curves | Oscillations | Sperm impact angle | Zona pellucid
Publisher: Elsevier
Project: Development of methods and techniques for early diagnostic of cervical, colon, oral cavity cancer and melanoma based on a digital image and excitation-emission spectrum in visible and infrared domain 
Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures. Mechanics of materials. 

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