Authors: Karličić, Danilo 
Ožvat, Sanja
Cajić, Milan 
Kozić, Predrag
Pavlović, Ratko
Title: Bending vibration and stability of a multiple-nanobeam system influenced by temperature change
Journal: Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
First page: 75
Last page: 88
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2016
Rank: M24
ISSN: 0354-2025
DOI: 10.22190/FUME1601075K
In this study, we analyzed the bending vibration and stability of a multiple-nanobeam system (MNBS) coupled in elastic medium and influenced by temperature change and compressive axial load. The MNBS is modeled as the system consisting of a set of m identical and simply supported nanobeams mutually connected by Winkler’s type elastic layers. According to the Euler - Bernoulli beam and nonlocal thermo-elasticity theory, the system of m coupled partial differential equations is derived and solved by means of the method of separation of variables as well as the trigonometric one. Analytical solutions for natural frequencies and critical buckling loads of elastic MNBS are obtained. The effects of nonlocal parameter, temperature change and the number of nanobeams on the natural frequencies and the buckling loads are investigated through numerical examples. Thus, this work can represent a starting point to examine dynamical behavior and design of complex nanobeam structures, nanocomposites and nanodevices under the influence of various physical fields.
Keywords: Multiple-nanobeam system | Nonlocal elasticity | Stability | Vibration
Publisher: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš
Project: Dynamics of hybrid systems with complex structures. Mechanics of materials. 
Dynamic stability and instability of mechanical systems subjected to stochastic excitations 

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