Authors: Mandić, Petar
Lazarević, Mihailo
Sekara, Tomislav
Cajić, Milan 
Bučanović, Ljubiša
Title: Stabilization of double inverted pendulum system by using a fractional differential compensator
Journal: Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2017
First page: 1911
Last page: 1916
Conference: 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2017; Kingworld HotelChongqing; China; 28 May 2017 through 30 May 2017
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2017
ISBN: 978-150904656-0
DOI: 10.1109/CCDC.2017.7978829
In this paper stability problem of double inverted pendulum controlled by a fractional differential compensator is investigated. Pendubot is an underactuated mechanical system, i.e. it has only one control input and two degrees of freedom. Detailed mathematical model of Pendubot is derived using the Rodriguez method and then fractional order lead compensator is introduced in order to stabilize it around unstable upright position. D-decomposition method is used to solve the problem of asymptotic stability of closed loop system. Stability regions in control parameters space are calculated using this technique, which allows tuning of the fractional differential compensator to be carried out.
Keywords: Asymptotic stability | D-decomposition | Fractional control | Inverted pendulum | Pendubot | Robust control
Publisher: IEEE
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