Authors: Blagojević, Pavle 
Matschke, Benjamin
Ziegler, Günter
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: A tight colored Tverberg theorem for maps to manifolds (extended abstract)
Journal: FPSAC'11 - 23rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
First page: 183
Last page: 190
Conference: 23rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC'11; Reykjavik; Iceland; 13 June 2011 through 17 June 2011
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2011
Any continuous map of an N-dimensional simplex Δ N with colored vertices to a d-dimensional manifold M must map r points from disjoint rainbow faces of Δ N to the same point inM, assuming that N ≥ (r-1)(d+1), no r vertices of Δ N get the same color, and our proof needs that r is a prime. A face of Δ N is called a rainbow face if all vertices have different colors. This result is an extension of our recent "new colored Tverberg theorem", the special case of M = Rdbl; d. It is also a generalization of Volovikov's 1996 topological Tverberg theorem for maps to manifolds, which arises when all color classes have size 1 (i.e., without color constraints); for this special case Volovikov's proofs, as well as ours, work when r is a prime power.
Keywords: Colored Tverberg problem | Configuration space/test map scheme | Convex geometry | Equivariant algebraic topology | Group cohomology
Publisher: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS)

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