Authors: Baralić, Đorđe 
Affiliations: Mathematics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Polyomino Tilings: from combinatorics to topology
First page: 4
Related Publication(s): Book of abstracts
Conference: CroCoDays 2022 - 4th Croatian Combinatorial Days
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M64
A polyomino is a plane geometric gure formed by joining one or more equal
squares edge to edge. The problem of tiling a region in a plane or a surface
with square grid by the given set of polyomino shapes and questions of di erent
number of tilings have been extensively studied in combinatorics. We introduce a
simplicial complex related to the problem and it turns out that its combinatorics
and topology have many interesting properties. For example, a face vector of a
such complex reveals the number of di erent placements of a certain shapes on
the region without overlapping. This large group of simplicial complexes fails in
general to be Cohen-Macaulay, but in many cases they still have the homotopy type
of a wedge of spheres. Morover, they can be considered as a natural generalization
of the matching complex of a graph on a square grid which are studied a lot in
the last years. Combinatorial, topological and algebraic properties of polyomino
tilings complexes provide many interesting and nice applications we are going to
talk about.
Publisher: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb

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