Authors: Živaljević, Rade 
Baralić, Đorđe 
Affiliations: Mechanics 
Title: Quasitoric manifolds, colored simple polytopes and the Lebesgue, KKM, and Hex theorems
Issue: 5/2015
Related Publication(s): Oberwolfach Reports
Conference: Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics, Oberwolfach 1 February - 7 February 2015
Issue Date: 2015
Following and developing ideas of R. Karasev [2] we extend the Lebesgue theorem (on covers of cubes) and the Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz theorem (on covers of simplices) to different classes of convex polytopes (colored in the sense of M. Joswig). We also show that the n-dimensional Hex theorem admits a generalization where the n-dimensional cube is replaced by a n-colorable simple polytope. The use of specially designed quasitoric manifolds, with easily computable cohomology rings and the cohomological cup-length, offers a great flexibility and versatility in applying the general method.
Publisher: European Mathematical Society

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