Authors: Ivković, Stefan 
Affiliations: Mathematics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: On a new approach to Fredholm theory in unital C∗-algebras
First page: 35
Related Publication(s): The Book of abstracts
Conference: XIV SYMPOSIUM "MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS” December, 6–7, 2024 Belgrade, Serbia
Editors: Knežević, Miljan
Delić, Aleksandra
Issue Date: 2024
Rank: M34
ISBN: 978-86-7589-197-0
Motivated by Fredholm theory on the standard Hilbert module over a unital C∗ -algebra
introduced by Mishchenko and Fomenko, we provide a new approach to axiomatic Fredholm theory in
unital C∗ -algebras established by Kečkić and Lazović in [1]. Our approach is equivalent to the approach
introduced by Kečkić and Lazović, however, we provide new proofs which are motivated by the proofs given
by Mishchenko and Fomenko. Next, we extend Fredholm theory in von Neumann algebras established by
Breuer to spectral Fredholm theory in properly infinite von Neumann algebras. We consider 2 by 2 upper
triangular operator matrices with coefficients in a von Neumann algebra and give the relationship between
the generalized essential spectra in the sense of Breuer of such matrices and of their diagonal entries, thus
generalizing in this setting the result by D- ord-ević in [2]. Finally, we prove that if a generalized Fredholm
operator in the sense of Breuer has 0 as an isolated point of its spectrum, then the corresponding spectral
projection is finite. This talk is based on [3].
Keywords: Fredholm theory | Hilbert module | Von Neumann algebra | Finite projections | K-group | Index
Publisher: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade

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