Authors: Jočić, Dragan 
Štajner-Papuga, Ivana
Affiliations: Mathematics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Distributivity of a Uni-nullnorm with Continuous and Archimedean Underlying T-norms and T-conorms Over an Arbitrary Uninorm
Journal: Mathematica Slovaca
Volume: 73
Issue: 6
First page: 1527
Last page: 1544
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: ~M21
ISSN: 0139-9918
DOI: 10.1515/ms-2023-0110
The issue of distributivity of aggregation operators is crucial for many different areas such as fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, pseudo-analysis and measure theory, and particulary in the decision making theory. The problem of distributivity of an operator form a special class of uni-nullnorms over a general uninorm is being addressed through this paper. The class in question consists of uni-nullnorms with continuous and Archimedean underlying t-norms and t-conorms, and the results presented here are a natural continuation and extension of some previous works with an emphasis on a much wider class of uninorms as inner operators.
Keywords: Uni-nullnorms | uninorms | t-norms | t-conorms | distributivity equations
Publisher: De Gruyter

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