Authors: Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) 
Hedrih, Anđelka 
Affiliations: Mechanics 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: The Kelvin–Voigt visco-elastic model involving a fractional-order time derivative for modelling torsional oscillations of a complex discrete biodynamical system
Journal: Acta Mechanica
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: ~M22
ISSN: 0001-5970
DOI: 10.1007/s00707-022-03461-7
Under external loads trees exhibit complex oscillatory behaviour: their canopies twist and band. The great complexity of this oscillatory behaviour consists to an important degree of torsional oscillations. Using a system of ordinary differential fractional-order equations, free and forced main eigen-modes of fractional-type torsional oscillations of a hybrid discrete biodynamical system of complex structures were done. The biodynamical system considered here corresponds to a tree trunk with branches and is in the form of a visco-elastic cantilever of complex structure. Visco-elasticity corresponds to different ages of a tree. We set up a new model of torsional oscillations of a complex discrete, biodynamical system, using the Kelvin–Voigt visco-elastic model involving a fractional-order time derivative. The analytical expressions describing the characteristic properties of its fractional-type oscillations are determined. Based on mathematical and qualitative analogies, this concept represents a new model of torsional oscillations of a light cantilever that takes into account visco-elastic, dissipative properties of the material. Rigid discs are attached to the cantilever. Expressions for kinetic energy, deformation work and a generalized function of the fractional-type energy dissipation of this biodynamical system are defined. Independent main eigen-modes of the fractional type for free and forced torsional oscillations were determined for a special class of such systems, using formulas for the transformation of independent generalized angle coordinates to the principal main eigen-coordinates of the system. The forms of their approximate analytical solutions are shown. In the general case for inhomogeneous biodynamical systems of fractional type, there are no independent main fractional-type eigen-modes of torsional oscillations. The system behaves as a nonlinear system. A new constitutive relation between coupling of torsion loading to a visco-elastic fractional-type cantilever with fractional-type dissipation of cantilever mechanical energy and angle of torsion deformation is determined using a fractional-order derivative. The main advantages of the proposed model are the possibility to analyse torsional oscillations of more complex structures and the possibility to analyse complex cantilevers with different cross-sectional diameters.
Publisher: Springer Link

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