Authors: Davidović, Tatjana 
Todorović, Milan 
Ramljak, Dusan
Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana 
Matijević, Luka 
Jovanović, Đorđe 
Urošević, Dragan 
Affiliations: Computer Science 
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: COCP: Blockchain Proof-of-Useful-Work Leveraging Real-Life Applications
Conference: 2022 Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M33
ISBN: 978-1-6654-9958-3
DOI: 10.1109/BCCA55292.2022.9922117
We propose Combinatorial Optimization based Consensus Protocol (COCP) that considers efficient use of energy in Blockchain (BC) consensus protocol based on Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) concept. Instead of classical cryptographic puzle, it involves dealing with hard real-life combinatorial optimization (CO) problems submitted by BC participants called customers. Two sources of rewards are provided for miners, one related to adding a new block and the other for solving an instance of CO problem. The main issues that arise when combining BC and CO, are security and consistency of maintaining the whole system. We discuss how to resolve them and what are the benefits of the proposed COCP for all BC participants. Our proposed doubly-rewarding scheme and efficiency in energy exploration are illustrated on a small example from the Ethereum BC network.
Keywords: Distributed databases | autonomous systems | efficient consensus protocols | combinatorial optimization | heuristics
Publisher: IEEE
Project: Advanced artificial intelligence techniques for analysis and design of system components based on trustworthy BlockChain technology - AI4TrustBC 

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