Authors: Jovanović, Đorđe 
Vuletić, Pavle
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Analysis and Characterization of IoT Malware Command and Control Communication
Journal: The TELFOR Journal
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
First page: 80
Last page: 85
Issue Date: 2020
Rank: M53
DOI: 10.5937/telfor2002080J
The emergence of Mirai botnet in 2016 took worldwide research teams by surprise, proving that a large number of low-performance IoT devices could be hacked and used for illegal purposes, causing extremely voluminous DDoS attacks. Therefore, a thorough inspection of the current state of IoT botnets is essential. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic behavior and command and control channels of two classes of IoT botnets, Mirai and Gafgyt. Based on collected information, a comparative analysis and key phases of botnet communication is provided. Such an analysis will serve as a basis for smart botnet detection mechanisms
Keywords: Botnets | CnC communication | IoT

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