Authors: Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: The transversal creeping vibrations of a fractional derivative order constitutive relation of nonhomogeneous beam
Journal: Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Volume: 2006
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2006
Rank: M22
ISSN: 1024-123X
DOI: 10.1155/MPE/2006/46236
We considered the problem on transversal oscillations of two-layer straight bar, which is under the action of the lengthwise random forces. It is assumed that the layers of the bar were made of nonhomogenous continuously creeping material and the corresponding modulus of elasticity and creeping fractional order derivative of constitutive relation of each layer are continuous functions of the length coordinate and thickness coordinates.Partial fractional differential equation and particular solutions for the case of natural vibrations of the beam of creeping material of a fractional derivative order constitutive relation in the case of the influence of rotation inertia are derived. For the case of natural creeping vibrations, eigenfunction and time function, for different examples of boundary conditions, are determined. By using the derived partial fractional differential equation of the beam vibrations, the almost sure stochastic stability of the beam dynamic shapes, corresponding to the nth shape of the beam elastic form, forced by a bounded axially noise excitation, is investigated. By the use of S. T. Ariaratnam's idea, as well as of the averaging method, the top Lyapunov exponent is evaluated asymptotically when the intensity of excitation process is small.
Publisher: Hindawi
Project: Real Problems in Mechanics 
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Rigid and Solid Bodies. Mechanics of Materials 

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