Authors: Milutinović, Slobodan
Vranić, Petar 
Maksić, Mlica
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Towards Sustainable Urban Model – A Framework for Developing Indicators for Planning And Designing Networks of Green Spaces in Urban Centers in Serbia
First page: 469
Last page: 479
Conference: III International Conference „Ecology of urban areas“, Ečka-Zrenjanin, 11th October, Serbia, 2013
Issue Date: 2013
Rank: M33
ISBN: 978-86-7672-209-9
The paper aims to highlight the need for introduction of additional indicators for designing and planning of green space networks (GSN) in urban centers in Serbia. An important element of urban sustainability and quality of life in urban areas is the percentage and distribution of green space. The urban planning practice in Serbia lacks systemic approach to spatial development of GSN. In order to improve the quantity and quality of urban green spaces we have firstly to define particular urban models. In order to monitor progress towards the defined models, we have to have clearly defined guidelines supported by system of indicators. In this regard,definition of required indicators plays a key role in development of GSN. Thus, the objective of this paper is to develop a framework for defining qualitative and quantitative indicators for planning and designing GSN in Serbian cities, based on available data. In that way, paper also suggests tools for measuring the existing density of urban green spaces. Firstly, paper analyzes existing indicators for planning and designing of green spaces in urban centers in Serbia. And secondly, based on comparison with indicators from European cities, it discuses possible improvements of existing and introduction of new indicators for development of GSN.
Keywords: green space networks | sustainable urban model | urban planning | Serbia

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