Authors: Pillay, Anand
Tanović, Predrag 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Generic stability, regularity and quasiminimality
Series/Report no.: CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes
Volume: 53
Related Publication(s): Models, Logic and Higher-Dimensional Categories: A Tribute to the work of Mihaly Makkai
Issue Date: 2011
Rank: M14
ISBN: 978-0-8218-7281-9
DOI: 10.1090/crmp/053
We study notions generic stability, regularity, homogeneous pregeometries, quasiminimality, and their mutual relations, in arbitary first order theories. We prove that "infinite-dimensional homogeneous pregeometries" coincide with generically stable strongly regular types (p(x), x=x). We prove quasiminimal structures of cardinality at least N2 are "homogeneous pregeometries." We prove that the "generis type" of an arbitary quasiminimal structure is "locally strongly regular." Some of the results depend on a general dichotomy for "regular-like" types: generic stability, or the existence of a suitable definable partial ordering.
Publisher: American Mathematical Society

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