Authors: Perić, Zoran
Denić, Bojan
Velimirović, Lazar 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Construction of Three-Level Scalar Quantizer with Extended Huffman Coding for Gaussian Source
First page: 1
Last page: 4
Conference: XII International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements
Issue Date: 2014
Rank: M33
This paper discusses a three-level scalar quantizer with extended Huffman coding. The signal at the entrance of the three-level scalar quantizer is modeled by Gaussian probability density function. In order to improve the performance of the considered model, the optimal decision threshold depending on the maximum of the signal to quantization noise ratio value is determined in this paper. Performances of the considered quantizer model are estimated by comparing the calculated values of the signal to quantization noise ratio with the three-level scalar quantizer with Huffman coding. Also, detailed analysis of the average bit rate and the source entropy for the proposed model is presented.
Keywords: Huffman coding | Entropy coding | Scalar quantization
Publisher: SAUM – Association of Serbia for Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements
Project: Development of new information and communication technologies, based on advanced mathematical methods, with applications in medicine, telecommunications, power systems, protection of national heritage and education 

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