Authors: Lazarević, Mihailo
Cajić, Milan 
Đurović, Nikola
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Biomechanical modelling and simulation of soft tissues using fractional memristive elements
First page: 1
Last page: 10
Conference: Electronic 8th GRACM International Congress in Computational Mechanics
Issue Date: 2015
Rank: M30
ISBN: 978-960-9439-36-7
One of the main challenges in biomechanics is the modelling of soft tissues. The theory of fractional calculus is a well-adapted tool to the modelling of many physical phenomena, allowing the description to take into account some peculiarities that classical integer-order model simply neglect. Beside, memristive systems have a wide range of applications in modeling of the bioelectrical properties of human skin, human blood, storage, neural networks, chaotic systems and so on. In this work, we use the concept of fractional order memristive elements for biomehanical modeling of soft tissues, here bioelectrical properties of human skin as well as human blood. In literature, some models of human skin based on classical memristive approach are obtained but further improvements to the memristive models are possible where computational models are developed and presented. Further, we are interested in step input response for proposed Cole impedance models excited by a step current. Suitable numerical aproximations of inverse Laplace transform are used with respect to the simulation of the corresponding fractional (integro)-differential equations.

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