Authors: Savić, Miloš
Ivanović, Mirjana
Radovanović, Miloš
Ognjanović, Zoran 
Pejović, Aleksandar
Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana 
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Exploratory Analysis of Communities in Co-authorship Networks: A Case Study
Journal: International Conference on ICT Innovations, ICT Innovations 2014
Series/Report no.: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Volume: 311
First page: 55
Last page: 64
Conference: 6th Information and Communication Technologies Innovations 2014 conference, ICT 2014; Ohrid; North Macedonia; 9 September 2014 through 12 September 2014
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Rank: M33
ISBN: 978-3-319-09879-1
ISSN: 2194-5357
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09879-1_6
Digital libraries enable worldwide access to scientific results, but also provide a valuable source of information that can be used to investigate patterns and trends in scientific collaboration. The Electronic Library of the Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (eLib) digitizes the most prominent mathematical journals printed in Serbia. Using eLib bibliographical records we constructed a co-authorship network representing collaborations between authors who published their papers in eLib journals in the period from 1932 to 2011. In this paper we apply community detection techniques in order to examine the structure of the eLib co-authorship network. Such study reveals characteristic patterns of scientific collaboration in Serbian mathematical journals, and helps us to understand the (self-)organization of the eLib community of authors.
Keywords: co-authorship network | community detection | digital library | scientific collaboration | Serbian mathematical journals | social network analysis
Publisher: Springer Link

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