Authors: Lalović, Komlen
Tot, Ivan
Arsić, Aleksandra 
Škarić, Milan
Title: Security information system, based on fingerprint biometrics
Journal: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Volume: 16
Issue: 5
First page: 87
Last page: 100
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Rank: M22
ISSN: 1785-8860
DOI: 10.12700/APH.16.5.2019.5.6
This work presents a novel security information system based on fingerprint biometrics. It combines cancelable biometrics, security algorithms such as RSA and AES, both synchronous and asynchronous for data encryption. By implementing novel devices developed on the Raspberry Pi Platform and wireless communication, 100% accuracy in real terms, will be enabled and FAR and FRR will be decreased to a minimum-as it were, zero. At the core of the information system are devices and software algorithms implemented for biometric identification of maternity, as a dual fingerprint scanner that provides data of mother and new born baby fingerprints and in the further process, guarantees maternity of a new born baby with 100% accuracy. All this is developed as a novel method of identity determination, based on baby fingerprint minutiae, instead of current systems that are prone to many errors. This system will prevent any possible replacement or identity theft in every maternity ward.
Keywords: Biometric | Fingerprint | Information system | Security | Software
Publisher: Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution

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