Authors: Xiao, Yiyong
Zhao, Qiuhong
Kaku, Ikou
Mladenović, Nenad 
Title: Variable neighbourhood simulated annealing algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problems
Journal: Engineering Optimization
Volume: 46
Issue: 4
First page: 562
Last page: 579
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2014
Rank: M22
ISSN: 0305-215X
DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2013.791813
This article presents the variable neighbourhood simulated annealing (VNSA) algorithm, a variant of the variable neighbourhood search (VNS) combined with simulated annealing (SA), for efficiently solving capacitated vehicle routing problems (CVRPs). In the new algorithm, the deterministic Move or not criterion of the original VNS algorithm regarding the incumbent replacement is replaced by an SA probability, and the neighbourhood shifting of the original VNS (from near to far by k← k+1) is replaced by a neighbourhood shaking procedure following a specified rule. The geographical neighbourhood structure is introduced in constructing the neighbourhood structures for the CVRP of the string model. The proposed algorithm is tested against 39 well-known benchmark CVRP instances of different scales (small/middle, large, very large). The results show that the VNSA algorithm outperforms most existing algorithms in terms of computational effectiveness and efficiency, showing good performance in solving large and very large CVRPs.
Keywords: capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) | metaheuristics | neighbourhood shaking rule (NSR) | variable neighbourhood simulated annealing (VNSA) algorithm
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China, project nos. 71271009, 91224007 and 71271010
Japan Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS) under grant no. 24510192

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