Authors: Aloise, Daniel
Damasceno, Nielsen Castelo
Mladenović, Nenad 
Pinheiro, Daniel Nobre
Title: On Strategies to Fix Degenerate k-means Solutions
Journal: Journal of Classification
Volume: 34
Issue: 2
First page: 165
Last page: 190
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2017
Rank: M21a
ISSN: 01764268
DOI: 10.1007/s00357-017-9231-0
k-means is a benchmark algorithm used in cluster analysis. It belongs to the large category of heuristics based on location-allocation steps that alternately locate cluster centers and allocate data points to them until no further improvement is possible. Such heuristics are known to suffer from a phenomenon called degeneracy in which some of the clusters are empty. In this paper, we compare and propose a series of strategies to circumvent degenerate solutions during a k-means execution. Our computational experiments show that these strategies are effective, leading to better clustering solutions in the vast majority of the cases in which degeneracy appears in k-means. Moreover, we compare the use of our fixing strategies within k-means against the use of two initialization methods found in the literature. These results demonstrate how useful the proposed strategies can be, specially inside memorybased clustering algorithms.
Keywords: Clustering | Degeneracy | Heuristics | k-means | Minimum sum-of-squares
Publisher: Springer Link

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