Authors: Baralić, Đorđe 
Spasojević, Igor
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Illumination of Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum
Journal: Discrete and Computational Geometry
Volume: 53
Issue: 2
First page: 414
Last page: 427
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Rank: M21
ISSN: 0179-5376
DOI: 10.1007/s00454-014-9658-6
We prove general results which include classical facts about the 60 lines of Pascal as special cases. Along similar lines we establish analogous results about the configurations of 2,520 conics arising from the mystic octagon. We offer a more combinatorial outlook on these results. Bézout’s theorem is the main tool; however, its application is guided by the empirical evidence and computer experiments with the program Cinderella.
Keywords: Algebraic curves | Bézout’s theorem | Hexagrammum mysticum | Octagrammum mysticum | The program Cinderella
Publisher: Springer Link
Project: Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Classical Mechanics and Integrable Dynamical Systems 
Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Classical Mechanics and Integrable Dynamical Systems 

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