Authors: Stević, Stevo 
Title: On a new integral-type operator from the weighted bergman space to the Bloch-type space on the unit ball
Journal: Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Volume: 2008
Issue Date: 21-Oct-2008
ISSN: 1026-0226
DOI: 10.1155/2008/154263
We introduce an integral-type operator, denoted by Pφg, on the space of holomorphic functions on the unit ball B ⊂ ℂn, which is an extension of the product of composition and integral operators on the unit disk. The operator norm of Pφg from the weighted Bergman space Aαp(B) to the Bloch-type space Bμ(B) or the little Bloch-type space Bμ,0(B) is calculated. The compactness of the operator is characterized in terms of inducing functions g and φ. Upper and lower bounds for the essential norm of the operator Pφg: Aαp(B) → Bμ(B), when p > 1, are also given.
Publisher: Hindawi

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