Authors: Abe, Masayuki
Aoki, Kazumaro
Ateniese, Giuseppe
Avanzi, Roberto
Beerliová, Zuzana
Billet, Olivier
Biryukov, Alex
Blake, Ian
Boyd, Colin
Brier, Eric
Castiglione, Aniello
Cha, Juyoung
Chan, Aldar
Chen, Liqun
Cho, Kookrae
Contini, Scott
D'Arco, Paolo
Ding, Jintai
Doche, Christophe
Dunkelman, Orr
Fitzi, Matthias
Fouque, Pierre Alain
Fournier, Jacques J.A.
Fujisaki, Kouichi
Fujisaki, Eiichiro
Furukawa, Jun
Galindo, David
Halevi, Shai
Handschuh, Helena
Heneghan, Chris
Holenstein, Thomas
Hoshino, Fumitaka
Hwang, Yong Ho
Isshiki, Toshiyuki
Jochemsz, Ellen
Joux, Antoine
Juels, Ari
Jutla, Charanjit
Kiayias, Aggelos
Kikuchi, Hiroaki
Kobayashi, Tetsutarou
Kohno, Tadayoshi
Krawczyk, Hugo
Kumar, Sandeep
Lange, Tanja
Lee, Jung Wook
Masucci, Barbara
May, Alexander
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. 
Minematsu, Kazuhiko
Monrose, Fabian
Montague, Paul
Myers, Steve
Naccache, David
Nicolosi, Antonio
Obana, Satoshi
Okazaki, Satomi
Okeya, Katsuyuki
Olivier, Francis
Oyono, Roger
Page, Dan
Park, Jung Hyung
Peng, Kun
Pietrzak, Krzysztof
Raub, Dominik
Sakai, Yasuyuki
Sakurai, Kouichi
Schindler, Werner
Seo, Jae Woo
Shin, Jong Hoon
Shparlinski, Igor
Steinfeld, Ron
Szydlo, Mike
Kalai, Yael Tauman
Teranishi, Isamu
Tokita, Toshio
Tunstall, Michael
Vercauteren, Frederik
Villegas, Karine
Walfish, Shabsi
Wang, Huaxiong
Wang, Xiaofeng
Warinschi, Bogdan
De Weger, Benne
Wolf, Christopher
Yampolskiy, Alex
Yang, Yeon Hyeong
Yin, Yiqun Lisa
Yoon, Jeong
Pointcheval, David
Affiliations: Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 
Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface
Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume: 3960 LNCS
Conference: CT-RSA 2006: The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2006
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2006
ISSN: 0302-9743
Project: Advanced methods for cryptology and information processing 

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