Urošević, Dragan

Full Name
Urošević, Dragan
Scopus Author ID

- 1 0-1 mixed integer programming | CPLEX | Metaheuristics | Variable neighbourhood search
- 1 0-1 mixed integer programming | Diving | Mathematical programming | Metaheuristics | Soft variable fixing | Variable neighbourhood search
- 1 2-level GVNS | Demand allocation | Demand attraction | Traveling salesman problem | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Absolute estimate of the accuracy | Algorithm | Maximum independent set
- 1 Anisotropy | Electronic properties | GeSe 2 | Photoacoustic method | Single crystal | Thermal diffusivity
- 1 Artificial intelligence | Less is more approach | Metaheuristics | Optimization | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Basic sequential variable neighborhood descent | General variable neighborhood search | Heuristic | Hub location problem
- 1 Bee Colony optimization | Metaheuristic Approach | Multiple Neighborhoods | Resource Allocation
- 1 Binary quadratic programing | Dispersion problems | Metaheuristics | Variable formulation search | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Bipartite quadratic programming | Discrete optimization | Graphs | Tabu search | Variable neighborhood search
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Date issued
- 30 2020 - 2025
- 48 2010 - 2019
- 39 2000 - 2009
- 5 1990 - 1999
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