Mladenović, Nenad

Full Name
Mladenović, Nenad
Scopus Author ID

- 1 Artificial intelligence | Less is more approach | Metaheuristics | Optimization | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Assembly | Deteriorating effect | Learning effect | Less is more | Serial-batching scheduling | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Balanced clustering | Complexity | Sum-of-squares
- 1 Bilinear program | Gaussian pivoting | Quadratic program | Reduction
- 1 capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) | metaheuristics | neighbourhood shaking rule (NSR) | variable neighbourhood simulated annealing (VNSA) algorithm
- 1 Circle packing | Global optimization | Metaheuristics | Minos | Reformulation descent
- 1 Clustering | Community detection | Decomposition | Modularity maximization | Variable neighborhood search
- 1 Clustering | Global k-means | J-means | K-means | Minimum sum-of-squares
- 1 Clustering | Heuristic | Local search | Optimization
- 1 Clustering | Metaheuristics | Set partitioning | Variable neighbourhood search
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Date issued
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(Principal Investigator)
Results 1-3 of 3 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).
Acronym | Title | Start date | Completion | P-Investigator |
PROJECT 174010 | Mathematical Modelas and Optimization Methods on Large-Scale Systems | 01-01-2011 | 31-12-2019 | Mladenović, Nenad |
PROJECT 144007 | Mathematical optimization models and methods with applications | 01-01-2006 | 31-12-2010 | Mladenović, Nenad |
PROJECT 1583 | Mathematical optimization models and methods with applications | 01-01-2002 | 31-12-2005 | Mladenović, Nenad |