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Farah, Ilijas
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Results 41-60 of 83 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
41Elliott, George; Farah, Ilijas ; Paulsen, Vern; Rosendal, Christian; Toms, Andrew; Törnquist, AsgerThe isomorphism relation for separable C*-algebras1-Jan-2013Mathematical Research Letters; 20(6); 1071-1080M21
2Farah, Ilijas ; Toms, Andrew; Törnquist, AsgerThe descriptive set theory of C*-algebra Invariants1-Jan-2013International Mathematics Research Notices; 2013(22); 5196-5226M21a
3Farah, Ilijas ; Hart, Bradd; Sherman, DavidModel theory of operator algebras I: Stability1-Jan-2013Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; 45(4); 825-838M22
4Farah, Ilijas All automorphisms of the Calkin algebra are inner1-Mar-2011Annals of Mathematics; 173(2); 619-661M21a
5Farah, Ilijas All automorphisms of all Calkin algebras1-Jan-2011Mathematical Research Letters; 18(3); 489-503M21
6Farah, Ilijas Graphs and CCR algebras1-Dec-2010Indiana University Mathematics Journal; 59(3); 1041-1056M21
7Farah, Ilijas ; Katsura, TakeshiNonseparable UHF algebras I: Dixmier's problem1-Oct-2010Advances in Mathematics; 225(3); 1399-1430M21a
8Farah, Ilijas ; Phillips, N. Christopher; Steprans, JurisThe commutant of L(H) in its ultrapower may or may not be trivial1-Aug-2010Mathematische Annalen; 347(4); 839-857M21
9Farah, Ilijas ; Shelah, SaharonA dichotomy for the number of ultrapowers1-Jun-2010Journal of Mathematical Logic; 10(1-2); 45-81M23
10Farah, Ilijas The relative commutant of separable C*-algebras of real rank zero1-Jun-2009Journal of Functional Analysis; 256(11); 3841-3846M21
11Farah, Ilijas ; Solecki, SławomirExtreme amenability of L0, a Ramsey theorem, and Lévy groups15-Jul-2008Journal of Functional Analysis; 255(2); 471-493M21
12Farah, Ilijas Nonhomogeneity in products with β N-spaces1-Jan-2008Topology and its Applications; 155(4); 273-276M22
13Farah, Ilijas ; Ketchersid, Richard; Larson, Paul; Magidor, MenachemABSOLUTENESS FOR UNIVERSALLY BAIRE SETS AND THE UNCOUNTABLE II2008Computational Prospects of Infinity Part II : Presented Talks; 15; 163-192
14Farah, Ilijas The Fourth Head of βℕ1-Dec-2007Open Problems in Topology II; 135-142
15Farah, Ilijas Reductions between meager ideals1-Aug-2007Journal of Mathematical Sciences; 144(5); 4511-4515
16Farah, Ilijas ; Veličković, BobanMaharam algebras and Cohen reals1-Jul-2007Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 135(7); 2283-2290M22
17Farah, Ilijas ; Zapletal, JindřichFour and more1-Jul-2006Annals of Pure and Applied Logic; 140(1-3); 3-39M22
18Farah, Ilijas ; Solecki, SławomirBorel subgroups of Polish groups30-Jan-2006Advances in Mathematics; 199(2); 499-541M21a
19Farah, Ilijas Analytic hausdorff gaps II: The density zero ideal1-Jan-2006Israel Journal of Mathematics; 154; 235-246M22
20Farah, Ilijas ; Veličković, BobanVon Neumann's problem and large cardinals1-Jan-2006Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society; 38(6); 907-912M22


Results 1-1 of 1 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

AcronymTitleStart dateCompletionP-Investigator
PROJECT 1630Representation of Proofs with Applications, Classification of Structures and Infinite Combinatorics01-01-200231-12-2005Došen, Kosta