Todorčević, Vesna

Full Name
Todorčević, Vesna
Scopus Author ID

- 1 b(αn ,βn )-hypermetric spaces | G-metric | fixed point
- 1 b-metric-like | fixed point | Suzuki (α, F)-contraction | α-admissible mapping
- 1 Bi-Lipschitz maps | Harmonic mappings | Higher integrability | Quasiconformal mappings
- 1 Bilipschitz maps | Harmonic quasiconformal mappings
- 1 Conformal invariants | Hyperbolic-type metrics | Moduli of continuity
- 1 Cospectrality graphs | Diophantine equations | Smith graphs | Spectral graph theory | Spectral radius
- 1 Distance-ratio metric | Quasiconformal mappings | Quasihyperbolic metric
- 1 emotional skills | educational game activities | mathematics | music | social skills
- 1 Fixed point | Generalized F-contraction | Integral equation | Strictly increasing function
- 1 fixed-point theorem | Hilfer fractional derivative | infinite interval | mild solution
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