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Stević, Stevo
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Results 321-340 of 469 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
321Stević, Stevo On a new operator from the logarithmic Bloch space to the Bloch-type space on the unit ball1-Dec-2008Applied Mathematics and Computation; 206(1); 313-320
322Stević, Stevo A note on a theorem of Zhu on weighted bergman projections on the polydisc1-Dec-2008Houston Journal of Mathematics; 34(4); 1233-1241M23
323Stević, Stevo Essential norms of weighted composition operators from the -Bloch space to a weighted-type space on the unit ball17-Nov-2008Abstract and Applied Analysis; 2008M22
324Stević, Stevo On a new operator from H∞ to the bloch-type space on the unit ball1-Nov-2008Utilitas Mathematica; 77; 257-263M23
325Stević, Stevo Generalized composition operators from logarithmic bloch spaces to mixed-norm spaces1-Nov-2008Utilitas Mathematica; 77; 167-172M23
326Stević, Stevo On Libera-type transforms on the unit disc, polydisc and the unit ball1-Nov-2008Integral Transforms and Special Functions; 19(11); 785-799M22
327Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Riemann-Stieltjes operators from H∞ space to α-Bloch spaces1-Nov-2008Integral Transforms and Special Functions; 19(11); 767-776M22
328Stević, Stevo On a new integral-type operator from the weighted bergman space to the Bloch-type space on the unit ball21-Oct-2008Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2008
329Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Some characterizations of the Besov space and the α-Bloch space1-Oct-2008Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; 346(1); 262-273M21
330Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Riemann-stieltjes operators between different weighted Bergman spaces1-Oct-2008Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin; 15(4); 677-686M23
331Stević, Stevo Boundedness and global stability of a higher-order difference equation1-Oct-2008Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 14(10-11); 1035-1044M21
332Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Products of Volterra type operator and composition operator from H∞ and Bloch spaces to Zygmund spaces1-Sep-2008Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; 345(1); 40-52M21
333Stević, Stevo On the difference equation xn + 1 = α + frac(xn - 1, xn)1-Sep-2008Computers and Mathematics with Applications; 56(5); 1159-1171M22
334Stević, Stevo On Lipschitz and α-Bloch spaces on the unit polydisc1-Sep-2008Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica; 45(3); 361-378M23
335Hu, Lin Xia; Li, Wan Tong; Stević, Stevo Global asymptotic stability of a second order rational difference equation1-Aug-2008Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 14(8); 779-797M21
336Stević, Stevo On the recursive sequence xn + 1 = max {c, frac(xnp, xn - 1p)}1-Aug-2008Applied Mathematics Letters; 21(8); 791-796M22
337Stević, Stevo Norms of some operators from bergman spaces to weighted and bloch-type spaces1-Jul-2008Utilitas Mathematica; 76; 59-64M23
338Stević, Stevo Some characterizations of harmonic Bergman spaces in the unit ball1-Jul-2008Ars Combinatoria; 88; 21-25M23
339Stević, Stevo Generalized composition operators between mixed-norm and some weighted spaces1-Jul-2008Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization; 29(7-8); 959-978M23
340Berg, Lothar; Stević, Stevo Linear difference equations mod 2 with applications to nonlinear difference equations1-Jul-2008Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 14(7); 693-704M21


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