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Stević, Stevo
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Results 361-380 of 469 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
361Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Riemann-Stieltjes operators on Hardy spaces in the unit ball of ℂn1-Oct-2007Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin; 14(4); 621-628M23
362Balibrea, Francisco; Bas, Linero; Soler López, Gabriel; Stević, Stevo Global periodicity of xn+k+1 = f k(xn+k) ... f2(xn+2)f1 (xn+1)1-Oct-2007Journal of Difference Equations and Applications; 13(10); 901-910M21
363Stević, Stevo On the Difference Equationxn+1=∑kj=0ajfj(xn−j)21-Sep-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
364Zhang, Guang; Stević, Stevo On the difference equation x n+1 = a+bx n-k-cx n-m/1+g(x n-1)1-Sep-2007Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing; 25(1-2); 201-216
365Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Weighted composition operators from Bergman-type spaces into Bloch spaces1-Aug-2007Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences; 117(3); 371-385M23
366Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Weighted composition operators from H∞ to the bloch space on the polydisc2-Jul-2007Abstract and Applied Analysis; 2007M23
367Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Weighted composition operators from α-Bloch space to H ∞ on the polydisc1-Jul-2007Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization; 28(7-8); 911-925M23
368Li, Songxiao; Stević, Stevo Volterra-type operators on Zygmund spaces29-Jun-2007Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2007M23
369Stević, Stevo Asymptotics of some classes of higher-order difference equations7-Jun-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and SocietyM22
370Stević, Stevo On the difference equation xn+1 = α+βx n-1+γxn-2+f(xn-1,xn-2)/x n1-Jun-2007Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis; 14(3); 459-463M23
371Bohner, Martin; Stević, Stevo Asymptotic behavior of second-order dynamic equations15-May-2007Applied Mathematics and Computation; 188(2); 1503-1512M22
372Stević, Stevo Boundedness and compactness of an integral operator in a mixed norm space on the polydisk1-May-2007Siberian Mathematical Journal; 48(3); 559-569M23
373Stević, Stevo On the rational (k + 1, k + 1)-type difference equation1-May-2007Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing; 24(1-2); 295-303
374Stević, Stevo Permanence for a generalized discrete neural network system27-Apr-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
375Stević, Stevo On the recursive sequence xn+1 = A + xnp/xn-1p3-Apr-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
376Stević, Stevo On the recursive sequence xn = 1 + ∑i=1 k αixn-pi/∑j=1 m βjxn-qj3-Apr-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
377Stević, Stevo On a discrete epidemic model3-Apr-2007Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society; 2007(1)M22
378Stević, Stevo Area type inequalities and integral means of harmonic functions on the unit ball1-Apr-2007Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan; 59(2); 583-601M22
379Berenhaut, Kenneth; Foley, John; Stević, Stevo The global attractivity of the rational difference equation yn = 1+ yn-k/yn-m1-Apr-2007Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; 135(4); 1133-1140M22
380Songxiao, Li; Stević, Stevo Composition followed by differentiation between bloch type spaces1-Apr-2007Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 9(2); 195-205M23


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