Graph theory and mathematical programming with applications in chemistry and computer science

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PROJECT 174033
Project title
Graph theory and mathematical programming with applications in chemistry and computer science
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info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/NSF/Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering/1740333
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Results 1-20 of 85 (Search time: 0.094 seconds).

Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
1He, Xiaocong; Feng, Lihua; Stevanović, Dragan THE MAXIMUM SPECTRAL RADIUS OF GRAPHS WITH A LARGE CORE2023Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra; 39; 78-89~M22
2Kratica, Jozef ; Savić, Aleksandar; Maksimović, ZoranSOME PROPERTIES OF {k}-PACKING FUNCTION PROBLEM IN GRAPHS2023Mathematical Reports; 25(75)(2); 263-277~M23
3Feng, Lihua; Li, Ziyuan; Liu, Weijun; Lu, Lu; Stevanović, Dragan Minimal Harary index of unicyclic graphs with diameter at most 415-Sep-2020Applied Mathematics and Computation; 381M21a
4Feng, Lihua; Lu, Lu; Réti, Tamás; Stevanović, Dragan A bound on the spectral radius of graphs in terms of their Zagreb indices15-Jul-2020Linear Algebra and Its Applications; 597; 33-45M21
5Pokorný, Milan; Stevanović, Dragan Comments on “On Integral Graphs Which Belong to the Class αKa,b¯ ” [Graphs Comb. 19, 527–532 (2003)]11-May-2020Graphs and Combinatorics; 36; 1263-1268M23
6Oliveira, Elismar; Stevanović, Dragan ; Trevisan, VilmarSpectral radius ordering of starlike trees3-May-2020Linear and Multilinear Algebra; 68(5); 991-1000M21
7Feng, Lihua; Lu, Lu; Stevanović, Dragan A short remark on graphs with two main eigenvalues15-Mar-2020Applied Mathematics and Computation; 369; 124858M21a
8Feng, Lihua; Lu, Lu; Stevanović, Dragan Walk counting and Nikiforov’s problem10-Feb-2020Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics; 3(1); 11-19M53
9Anokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica; Davidović, Tatjana ; Stakić, ĐorđeVariable neighborhood search based approaches to a vehicle scheduling problem in agriculture1-Jan-2020International Transactions in Operational Research; 27(1); 26-56M21
10Kratica, Jozef ; Matić, Dragan; Filipović, VladimirWeakly convex and convex domination numbers for generalized Petersen and flower snark graphs2020Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina; 61(2); 441-455M23
11Filipović, Vladimir; Kartelj, Aleksandar; Kratica, Jozef Edge Metric Dimension of Some Generalized Petersen Graphs1-Dec-2019Results in Mathematics; 74(4)M21
12Anđelić, Milica; Ghorbani, Ebrahim; Simić, Slobodan Vertex types in threshold and chain graphs30-Sep-2019Discrete Applied Mathematics; 269; 159-168M22
13Stevanović, Sanja ; Stevanović, Dragan Proof Without Words: Sum of Cubes8-Aug-2019Mathematics Magazine; 92(4); 270-271
14Stanimirović, Zorica; Stakić, Đorđe; Davidović, Tatjana ; Anokić, AnaGeneral Variable Neighborhood Search for Scheduling Heterogeneous Vehicles in Agriculture1-Jan-2019Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 6th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, ICVNS 2018; Sithonia; Greece; 4 October 2018 through 7 October 2018; 11328 LNCS; 125-140
15Alfandari, Laurent; Davidović, Tatjana ; Furini, Fabio; Ljubić, Ivana; Maraš, Vladislav; Martin, SébastienTighter MIP models for Barge Container Ship Routing1-Jan-2019Omega (United Kingdom); 82; 38-54M21a
16Kratica, Jozef ; Kovačević-Vujčić, Vera; Čangalović, MirjanaK-metric antidimension of some generalized petersen graphs1-Jan-2019Filomat; 33(13); 4085-4093M22
17Stevanović, Sanja ; Stevanović, Dragan ; Dehmer, MatthiasOn optimal and near-optimal shapes of external shading of windows in apartment buildings1-Jan-2019PLoS ONE; 14(2)M21
18Cvetković, Dragoš; Todorčević, Vesna Cospectrality graphs of smith graphs1-Jan-2019Filomat; 33(11); 3269-3276M22
19Anokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica; Stakić, Đorđe; Davidović, Tatjana Metaheuristic approaches to a vehicle scheduling problem in sugar beet transportation1-Jan-2019Operational Research; 21; 2021-2053M22
20Stevanović, Sanja ; Stevanović, Dragan Optimisation of curvilinear external shading of windows in cellular offices1-Sep-2018PLoS ONE; 13(9)M21