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- (almost) multiplicity free spaces | Gel’fand-Cetlin systems | Invariant polynomials | Multiplicity of Hamiltonian action 1
- (completely) irreducible | Complete lattice | Completion | Join-dense | Poset 1
- (galaxies:) Magellanic clouds | (ISM:) cosmic rays | Abundances | Gamma rays: Diffuse background | Gamma rays: Galaxies: Clusters | Neutrinos 1
- (generalized) line graph | Characteristic polynomial | Disconnected graph | Exceptional graph | Reconstruction 1
- (k, k)-grid | Complexity | Farey sequence | General position | k-valued s-threshold perceptron | Minimal pair | Multiple-valued logic | Partition | Separability 1
- (Locally) compact | Countably tight | Forcing with a coherent Souslin tree | Locally countable | PFA(S)[S] | σ-discrete 1
- (m,n)-grids in the plane | computational complexity | Computational geometry | linear partitions | point sets 1
- (n, l)-Feedback canonical form | Controllability indices | Feedback invariants | Row completion 1
- (Semi-) Fredholm operators | index theories 1
- (signless) Laplacian spectrum | Cospectral graphs | Smith graphs | Spectral determination | The largest eigenvalues 1
- (ternary) quasigroup | 3-diagonal equation | general solution | generalized functional equation | Krstić graph | planarity of graphs | quadratic functional equation 1
- *-representations | Positive C*-valued maps | Non-unital quasi *-algebras | Noncommutative L2 -spaces | Topologically transitive operators 1
- -Algebras | C | Commutators | Traces | Ultrapowers 1
- -hadamard matrices | Spectral techniques | Walsh transform 1
- 0-1 mixed integer programming | Barge container ships | Combinatorial formulation | Empty containers | Local search 1
- 0-1 mixed integer programming | Combinatorial optimisation | CPLEX | Heuristics | Multidimensional knapsack problem | Variable neighbourhood decomposition search 1
- 0-1 Mixed Integer Programming | Constructive Heuristics | CPLEX | Feasibility Pump | Variable Neighbourhood Search 1
- 0-1 Mixed integer programming | Convergence | Matheuristics,Variable neighbourhood search | Pseudo-cuts 1
- 0-1 mixed integer programming | CPLEX | Metaheuristics | Variable neighbourhood search 1
- 0-1 mixed integer programming | Diving | Mathematical programming | Metaheuristics | Soft variable fixing | Variable neighbourhood search 1