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Showing results 2715 to 2734 of 2871 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Ognjanović, Zoran ; Krdžavac, NenadUvod u teorijsko računarstvo2004M41
Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana ; Davidović, Tatjana Uvodna razmatranja o eksperimentalnoj analizi stohastičkih optimizacionih algoritama2020XLVII Simpzijum o operacionim istraživanjima (SYM-OP-IS 2020), Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet, Beograd, Sep. 20-23 2020, Srbija; 129M63
Rogers, Kenton; Andreucci, Maria-Beatrice; Jones, Nerys; Japelj, Anže; Vranić, Petar The Value of Valuing: Recognising the Benefits of the Urban Forest28-Feb-2017The Urban Forest; 7; 283-299M42
Lazić, Jasmina; Todosijević, Raca ; Hanafi, Saïd; Mladenović, Nenad Variable and single neighbourhood diving for MIP feasibility1-Jan-2016Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research; 26(2); 131-157M51
Urošević, Dragan ; Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood decomposition search for the edge weighted k-cardinality tree problem1-Jan-2004Computers and Operations Research; 31(8); 1205-1213M22
Brimberg, Jack; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan Variable neighborhood descent for the capacitated clustering problem1-Jan-2016Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 9th International Conference on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research, DOOR 2016; Vladivostok; Russian Federation; 19 September 2016 through 23 September 2016; 9869 LNCS; 336-349M33
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search1-Dec-2005Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques; 211-238
Urošević, Dragan ; Todosijević, Raca ; Mladenović, Nenad ; Brimberg, JackVariable Neighborhood Search1-Jan-2023Discrete Diversity and Dispersion Maximization; 151-189
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Variable neighborhood search and local branching1-Jan-2006Computers and Operations Research; 33(10); 3034-3045M21
Jovanović, Đorđe ; Davidović, Tatjana ; Urošević, Dragan ; Jakšić Kruger, Tatjana ; Ramljak, DušanVariable Neighborhood Search Approach to Community Detection Problem1-Jan-2023International Conference NMA 2022: Numerical Methods and Applications; LNCS 13858; 188-199M33
Anokić, Ana; Stanimirović, Zorica; Davidović, Tatjana ; Stakić, ĐorđeVariable neighborhood search based approaches to a vehicle scheduling problem in agriculture1-Jan-2020International Transactions in Operational Research; 27(1); 26-56M21
Aouchiche, Mustapha; Bell, Francis; Cvetković, Dragoš; Hansen, Pierre; Rowlinson, Peter; Simić, Slobodan ; Stevanović, Dragan Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 16. Some conjectures related to the largest eigenvalue of a graph16-Dec-2008European Journal of Operational Research; 191(3); 661-676M21
Alguwaizani, Abdulrahman; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Ngai, EricVariable neighborhood search for harmonic means clustering1-Jan-2011Applied Mathematical Modelling; 35(6); 2688-2694M21
Jarboui, Bassem; Derbel, Houda; Hanafi, Saïd; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search for location routing1-Jan-2013Computers and Operations Research; 40(1); 47-57M21
Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Variable Neighborhood Search for Maximum Clique2000Optimization Days, Montreal; 21-21M30
Mladenović, Nenad ; Kratica, Jozef ; Kovačević-Vujčić, Vera; Čangalović, MirjanaVariable neighborhood search for metric dimension and minimal doubly resolving set problems16-Jul-2012European Journal of Operational Research; 220(2); 328-337M21a
Carrizosa, Emilio; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca Variable neighborhood search for minimum sum-of-squares clustering on networks16-Oct-2013European Journal of Operational Research; 230(2); 356-363M21a
Davidović, Tatjana ; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable Neighborhood Search for Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Communication Delays20014th Int. Conf. Metaheuristics, MIC2001; 737-741M30
Singh, Gaurav; Ernst, Andreas; Davidović, Tatjana Variable Neighborhood Search for Resource-Constrained Scheduling2010XXXVII Simpozijum o operacionim istraživanjima, SYMOPIS 2010; 417-420M60
Ilić, Aleksandar; Urošević, Dragan ; Mladenović, Nenad Variable Neighborhood Search for solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-hub Median Problem2008XXXV SYM-OP-IS; 359-362M60