Showing results 207 to 220 of 220
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Chatterjee, Tanmoy; Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Adhikari, Sondipon; Friswell, Michael I. | Uncertainty quantification in inerter-based quasiperiodic lattices | 2023 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; 249; 108258 | ~M21a |
Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Paunović, Stepa ; Adhikari, Sondipon | Uni-directional wave propagation in time-modulated inerter-based lattice | 2022 | ENOC2022 - 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, 2022, Lyon, France; Proceedings; 1184-1185 | M34 |
Dragović, Vladimir | An unlucky equation of Mihailo Petrovic | 2021 | 10th May the Month of Mathematics, State Center for Promotion of Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021. | M32 |
Milenković, Branislav ; Jovanović, Đorđe | The Use of The Biological Algorithm in Solving Applied Mechanics Design Problems | 2021 | Scientific Thechical Review; 71(1); 38-43 | M51 |
Nešić, Nikola; Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Simonović, Julijana; Adhikari, Sondipon | Vibration suppression of a platform by a fractional type electromagnetic damper and inerter-based nonlinear energy sink | 2025 | Applied Mathematical Modelling; 137A; 115651 | ~M21 |
Milenković, Branislav ; Jovanović, Đorđe | Volume optimization of the worm gear using biologically inspired algorithm | 2021 | 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30 2021; 579-580 | M34 |
Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Chatterjee, Tanmoy; Adhikari, Sondipon | Wave propagation in mass embedded and pre-stressed hexagonal lattices | 15-Jan-2021 | Composite Structures; 256; Article no. 113087 | ~M21a |
Chatterjee, Tanmoy; Karličić, Danilo ; Adhikari, Sondipon; Friswell, Michael I. | Wave propagation in randomly parameterized 2D lattices via machine learning | 1-Nov-2021 | Composite Structures; 275; 114386 | ~M21a |
Rosić, Nevena; Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Adhikari, Sondipon; Lazarević, Mihailo | Wave propagation in tailored metastructures consisting of elastic beams and rigid bodies | 12-Aug-2024 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; 382; 20230362-2279 | ~M21 |
Jovanović, Đorđe ; Krstić, Mladen; Milenković, Branislav | Аpplication of nanomaterials in mechanical engineering | 2021 | Nineteenth Young Researchers Conference – Materials Science and Engineering, December 1-3, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia; 51 | M64 |
Milenković, Branislav ; Krstić, Mladen; Jovanović, Đorđe | Аpplying Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to Solve Gear Box Design | 2022 | Proceedings on Engineering Sciences; 4(1); 63-68 | M54 |
Гајић, Борислав ; Драговић, Бладимир ; Јовановић, Божидар | Интеграбилни случајеви нехолономног система котрљања сфера као уопштења кретања Чаплигинове лопте | 2024 | 15th Serbian Mathematical Congress, SMAK, June 19-22, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia | M33 |
Јовановић, Божидар ; Шукиловић, Тијана; Вукмировић, Срђан | Класификација подгрупа без вишеструкости и полиномијално интеграбилни суб-Риманови геодезиски токови | 2024 | 15th Serbian Mathematical Congress, SMAK, June 19-22, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia | M33 |
Jevtić, Filip D. | Политопи кроз историју | 2024 | Конференција поводом 70. рођендана проф. др Синише Врећице и проф др. Радета Живаљевића. МИ САНУ, Октобар 14. 2024. | |