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Showing results 49 to 68 of 220 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Fedorov, Yuri; Jovanović, Božidar Continuous and discrete neumann systems on stiefel varieties as matrix generalizations of the jacobi-mumford systems1-Jun-2021Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A; 41(6); 2559-2599~M21
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Tomović, Radoslav; Mitrović, Radivoje; Soldat, NatašaCONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LABORATORY 4.0 FOR ROLLING BEARINGS TESTING14-Apr-2022Application of Industry 4.0 – an Opportunity for a New Step Forward in all Industrial Branches, Sarajevo, 14th April, 2022, BiH; 20; 93-102M33
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Soldat, Nataša; Patil, Santosh; Mitrović, Radivoje; Tomović, RadoslavDamage Factor Calculation for Condition Monitoring of Rolling Bearings2023Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering; 48; 3181-3194M22
Kovačević, Andjelka B.; Ilić, Dragana; Popović, Luka Č.; Andrić Mitrović, Nikola; Nikolić, Mladen; Pavlović, Marina ; Čvorović-Hajdinjak, Iva; Knežević, Miljan; Savić, Djordje V.Deep Learning of Quasar Lightcurves in the LSST Era2023Universe; 9(6); 287~M22
Dragović, Vladimir ; Shramchenko, VasilisaDeformations of the Zolotarev polynomials and Painlevé VI equations25-May-2021Letters in Mathematical Physics; 111(3); 75~M22
Jovanović, Đorđe ; Milenković, Branislav Determination of dynamic load factor for single element camshaft using various laws of follower motion20218th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30 2021; 52-53M34
Milenković, Branislav ; Karličić, Danilo ; Jovanović, Đorđe Determination of natural frequency and amplitude ratio of a Rayleigh double beam system with a Keer middle layer subjected to compressive axial load2021XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Enviromental Protection IIZS, 7-8 October 2021; 103-111M33
Bulatović, Radovan R.; Šalinić, Slaviša; Savković, Mile M.; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Pavlović, GoranA differential evolution algorithm combined with Lévy Flight for dimensional synthesis of four-bar linkage2023Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines~M21
Milenković, Branislav ; Krstić, MladenDinamička analiza noseće strukture vagon cisterne tipa ZansApr-2021DIT - Društvo-Istraživanje-Tehnologije; 9-13M53
Pavlović, Marina Does the fir-radio correlation evolve with redshift in irregular and disk galaxies?2021Serbian Astronomical Journal; 203; 15-27~M23
Limonchenko, Ivan ; Panov, Taras; Song, Jongbaek; Stanley, DonaldDouble cohomology of moment-angle complexes2023Advances in Mathematics; 432; 109274~M21
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Double generalized majorization2022Electronic Journal of Combinatorics; 29(4); P4.19~M23
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Double generalized majorization and diagrammatics2023Ars Mathematica Contemporanea; 23(2); 05A17~M22
Dragović, Vladimir Dynamics of extremal polynomials, conformal geometry, and isomonodromy deformations2021International Conference ”Analytic theory of differential and difference equations” dedicated to the memory of Andrey Bolibrukh Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, May 25-29, 2020 – postponed and presented in January 2021M32
Dragović, Vladimir Dynamics of extremal polynomials, Painleve VI equations, and isoharmonic deformations2021Mathematics and Applications, 11th Symposium, Mathematics Faculty, Belgrade, 3-4 December 2021; 16M32
Jovanović, Božidar D’Alamebrt and Hamiltonian principles and classical relativity in Lagrangian mechanics2024Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika; 5; 53-61
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Patil, Santosh; Casanova, Víctor RodaEditorial “Special issue: Advanced mathematical modeling in mechanical engineering”2024Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; 238(3); 621-623~M23
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Maksimović, Jelena; Šašić-Ivanović, Ana; Čupić, ŽeljkoEffect of glycerine on the dynamical state in Belousov Zhabotinsky oscillatory reaction2024SM18 ICTAM 2024, August 25-30, 2024, Daegu, KoreaM34
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Bogdanović-Jovanović, JasminaEffects of centrosome oscillations and spindle size on energy of chromosomes oscillations in the mitotic spindle in methaphase2022International Conference – ICMA2SC'22, Porto, Portugal, June 27 - 29th 2022M34
Abderazek, Hammoudi; Laouissi, Aissa; Nouioua, Mourad; Atanasovska, Ivana An Efficient Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm ReDe-NM for Solving Industrial Optimization Problems20239th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, November 9-10, 2023, Debrecen, Hungary; Scientific Book of Abstracts; 2; 3-5M34