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Showing results 40 to 59 of 219 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Dragović, Vladimir Chebyshev dynamics, isoharmonic deformations, and constrained Schlesinger equations2021International conference "Nonlinear waves and Frobenius structures in geometry and physics", Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 17-19 Nov, 2021M32
Fedorov, Yuri N.; Jovanović, Božidar Classical Neumann System on Stiefel Manifolds: Integrability, Geometric and Algebraic Aspects, and Linearization2021The 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30, 2021; ICSSM 21 Proceedings; 673-688M31
Dekić, Andrijana ; Babić, Marijana ; Vukmirović, SrdjanClassification of Left Invariant Riemannian Metrics on Complex Hyperbolic Space2022Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics; 19; 232~M21
Jojić, Duško; Panina, Gaiane Yu; Živaljević, Rade The coloured Tverberg theorem, extensions and new results1-Apr-2022Izvestiya Mathematics~M21
Andrews, George E.; Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaCombinatorics of periodic ellipsoidal billiards2021Ramanujan Journal~M21
Bisagni, C.; Raimondo, A.; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Milic, M.; Troian, R.; Frulla, G.; Polla, A.; Cora, Ö.N.; Bekci, M.L.; Henriques, B.; de Moura, M.F.S.F.; Almudaihesh, F.; Grigg, S.Comparison of numerical analyses of a composite wing component subjected to 4-point bendingAug-2022Composites Part C: Open Access; 8; 100264M53
Dodig, Marija ; Stošić, Marko Completion of matrix pencils with a single rank restriction1-Jan-2021Linear and Multilinear Algebra~M21
Boljanović, Slobodanka ; Carpinteri, AndreaComputational failure analysis under overloading1-Oct-2021Metals; 11(10); 1509~M21
Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade Constructing self-dual complexes and self-dual triangulations of manifolds1-Jan-2024Filomat; 38(5); 2045-2060~M22
Fedorov, Yuri; Jovanović, Božidar Continuous and discrete neumann systems on stiefel varieties as matrix generalizations of the jacobi-mumford systems1-Jun-2021Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series A; 41(6); 2559-2599~M21
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Tomović, Radoslav; Mitrović, Radivoje; Soldat, NatašaCONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LABORATORY 4.0 FOR ROLLING BEARINGS TESTING14-Apr-2022Application of Industry 4.0 – an Opportunity for a New Step Forward in all Industrial Branches, Sarajevo, 14th April, 2022, BiH; 20; 93-102M33
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Soldat, Nataša; Patil, Santosh; Mitrović, Radivoje; Tomović, RadoslavDamage Factor Calculation for Condition Monitoring of Rolling Bearings2023Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering; 48; 3181-3194M22
Kovačević, Andjelka B.; Ilić, Dragana; Popović, Luka Č.; Andrić Mitrović, Nikola; Nikolić, Mladen; Pavlović, Marina ; Čvorović-Hajdinjak, Iva; Knežević, Miljan; Savić, Djordje V.Deep Learning of Quasar Lightcurves in the LSST Era2023Universe; 9(6); 287~M22
Dragović, Vladimir ; Shramchenko, VasilisaDeformations of the Zolotarev polynomials and Painlevé VI equations25-May-2021Letters in Mathematical Physics; 111(3); 75~M22
Jovanović, Đorđe ; Milenković, Branislav Determination of dynamic load factor for single element camshaft using various laws of follower motion20218th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30 2021; 52-53M34
Milenković, Branislav ; Karličić, Danilo ; Jovanović, Đorđe Determination of natural frequency and amplitude ratio of a Rayleigh double beam system with a Keer middle layer subjected to compressive axial load2021XI International Conference Industrial Engineering and Enviromental Protection IIZS, 7-8 October 2021; 103-111M33
Bulatović, Radovan R.; Šalinić, Slaviša; Savković, Mile M.; Atanasovska, Ivana ; Pavlović, GoranA differential evolution algorithm combined with Lévy Flight for dimensional synthesis of four-bar linkage2023Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines~M21
Milenković, Branislav ; Krstić, MladenDinamička analiza noseće strukture vagon cisterne tipa ZansApr-2021DIT - Društvo-Istraživanje-Tehnologije; 9-13M53
Pavlović, Marina Does the fir-radio correlation evolve with redshift in irregular and disk galaxies?2021Serbian Astronomical Journal; 203; 15-27~M23
Limonchenko, Ivan ; Panov, Taras; Song, Jongbaek; Stanley, DonaldDouble cohomology of moment-angle complexes2023Advances in Mathematics; 432; 109274~M21