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Showing results 166 to 185 of 220 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) Oscillations and stability of dynamics of hybrid biostructure10-Aug-2021European Physical Journal: Special Topics~M22
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) An Overview: About Three Models of Mitotic Spindle Oscillations and Their Mods2023The Ninth International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics, July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia; Book of Proceedings; 267-274M33
Karličić, Danilo ; Cajić, Milan ; Paunović, Stepa ; Adhikari, SondiponPeriodic response of a nonlinear axially moving beam with a nonlinear energy sink and piezoelectric attachment1-Apr-2021International Journal of Mechanical Sciences~M21a
Gasiorek, Sean; Radnović, MilenaPeriodic trajectories and topology of the integrable Boltzmann system1-Jan-2024Recent Progress in Special Functions; 807; 111-130
Dragović, Vladimir ; Gajić, Borislav Points with rotational ellipsoids of inertia, envelopes of hyperplanes which equally fit the system of points in Rk, and ellipsoidal billiards2023Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena; 133776~M21a
Šukilović, Tijana; Vukmirović, Srđan; Jovanović, Božidar Polynomial integrability of sub-Riemannian geodesic flows on compact Lie groups2024XXII GEOMETRICAL SEMINAR, 2024, Vrnjačka Banja, SerbiaM32
Jevtić, Filip D. Polytopality of Bier Spheres202415th Serbian Mathematical Congress. (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia), June 21, 2024.M34
Timotijević, Marinko; Živaljević, Rade ; Jevtić, Filip D. Polytopality of Simple Games1-Jan-2024Experimental Mathematics~M22
Jevtić, Filip D. Polytopality of Simple Games2024XIV SYMPOSIUM "MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS” December, 6–7, 2024 Belgrade, Serbia; The Book of abstracts; 36M34
Milenković, Branislav ; Krstić, Mladen; Jovanović, Đorđe Primena algoritma sivog vuka za rešavanje inženjerskih optimizacionih problema2021Tehnika; 70(1); 50-57M51
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Bogdanović-Jovanović, JasminaRayleigh function of energy dissipation in modelling oscillatory behaviour of moving sister chromatids in anaphase of mitosis2022International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering; Book of Extended Abstracts; 111-114M33
Abderazek, Hammoudi; Laouissi, Aissa; Nouioua, Mourad; Atanasovska, Ivana RECENT SWARM INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES FOR OPTIMAL SPUR GEAR DESIGN20242nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering 12.-14. September 2024, Belgrade; Booklet of abstracts; 103M34
Jevtić, Filip D. Reflecting on beauty: the aesthetics of mathematical discovery2024Conference on the occasion of K. Došen’s 70th birthday, Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, June 14, 2024.
Hedrih, Anđelka ; Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Jovanović, Đorđe RELATION BETWEEN ZONA PELIUCIDA SHEAR STRESS AND DIFFERENT SPERM DISTRIBUTION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONTACT STRESS THEORY2024International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering ICMA2SC’24, ISEP Porto-Portugal, June 20 - 22, 2024; Book of apstracts; 93-95M34
Dragović, Vladimir ; Radnović, MilenaResonance of ellipsoidal billiard trajectories and extremal rational functions2023Advances in Mathematics; 424; 109044~M21
Dragović, Vladimir Resonances of Ellipsoidal Billiards and Extremal Rational Functions2021International conference "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics", Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 22 Nov – 2 Dec, 2021M32
Atanacković, Teodor; Janev, Marko ; Pilipović, StevanRestrictions on parameters in distributed order fractional linear constitutive equations1-Oct-2022Applied Mathematical Modelling; 110; 99-111~M21a
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Rheological Burgers–Faraday Models and Rheological Dynamical Systems with Fractional Derivatives and Their Application in Biomechanics2024Fractal and Fractional; 8(12); 742~M21a
Hedrih, Katica (Stevanović) ; Hedrih, Anđelka Rheological models of fractional type for new biomaterials20242nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering Mathematical Institute SANU, 12-14. September, 2024.; Booklet of Abstracts; 247-248M34
Atanasovska, Ivana ; Soldat, Nataša; Topalović, IvanaSAFETY 4.0 - MACHINE SAFETY AND STANDARDIZATION IN INDUSTRY 4.0202210th International Scientific Conference IRMES 2022 - Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems “Machine design in the context of Industry 4.0 – Intelligent products”, 26 May 2022, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia; 68-73M33