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Showing results 86 to 105 of 258 < previous   next >
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Stanojević, MilanEmpirical versus analytical solutions to full fuzzy linear programming1-Jan-2021Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; 8th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, ICCCC 2020 ; Oradea; Romania; 11 May 2020 through 15 May 2020; 1243 AISC; 220-233
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Pantelić, O.; Dzitac, S.Enhanced Solutions to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Fractional Optimization Problems via Lexicographic Method1-Jan-2024International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control; 19(1); 6333~M22
Janjić, Aleksandar; Velimirović, Lazar ; Velimirović, Jelena ; Vranić, Petar Estimating the optimal number and locations of electric vehicle charging stations: the application of multi-criteria p-median methodology22-Oct-2021Transportation Planning and Technology; 44(8); 827-842M23
Škundrić, Predrag; Korać, Vanja ; Davidovac, ZoranEU cyber initiatives and international cybersecurity standards - An overview2022Archaeology and Science; 18M51
Korać, Vanja ; Prlja, Dragan; Gasmi, GordanaEuropean Approach to Artificial Intelligence2023Arheologija i prirodne nauke; 209-216M51
Vasilevska, Ljiljana; Vranić, Petar ; Vasilevska, MagdalenaEvaluating the Relationship between Urban Redevelopment of Large Housing Estates and Urban Green Space Based on GIS–MCDM Approach: Empirical Experience from Niš, Serbia2022Journal of Urban Planning and Development; 148(2)~M23
Mihaljević, Miodrag J. ; Todorović, Milan ; Knežević, Milica An Evaluation of Power Consumption Gain and Security of Flexible Green Pool Mining in Public Blockchain Systems2023Symmetry; 15(4); 924M22
Ristić, Dalibor; Todosijević, Raca ; Urošević, Dragan EXACT SOLUTIONS OF SOME OR-LIBRARY TEST INSTANCES FOR THE P-NEXT CENTER PROBLEM2024Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research; 34(3); 475-497M24
Davidović, Tatjana ; Todorović, Milan ; Sharma, Bharat; Ramljak, DušanExploring Arbitrary Real-Life Problems in Proof-of-Useful-Work: Myth Busting?1-Jan-20232023 5th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications, BCCA 2023M33
Vranić, Petar ; Tatić, Dušan Exploring the possibility of connecting the game engine and GIS as means of decision support in urban planning2023International Conference Synergy of Architecture & Civil Engineering SINARG. September 14-15, 2023; Proceedings; 723-732M33
Stanojević, Bogdana Extension principle-based solution approach to full fuzzy multi-objective linear fractional programming1-Jan-2022Soft Computing~M22
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Stanojević, MilanExtension-Principle-Based Approach to Least Square Fuzzy Linear Regression2023International Conference on Computers Communications and Control; ICCCC 2022: Intelligent Methods Systems and Applications in Computing, Communications and Control; 1435; 219-228M33
Šarčević, Zoran; Tepavčević, Andreja Factors associated with terminal activation duration in young athletes2023Kardiologia Polska; 81(5); 512-514~M22
Šević, Irina; Jovanovic, Raka; Urošević, Dragan ; Davidović, Tatjana Fixed Set Search Applied to the Max-Cut Problem1-Jan-20242024 IEEE 8th Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2024 - ProceedingsM33
Mladenović, Nenad ; Brimberg, Jack; Urošević, Dragan Formulation Space Search Metaheuristic2022The Palgrave Handbook of Operations Research; 405-445M14
Milenković, Branislav ; Karličić, Danilo ; Krstić, Mladen; Jovanović, Đorđe Free Transverse Vibration Analysis of a Rayleigh Double-Beam System With a Keer Middle Layer Subjected to Compressive Axial Load2022Scientific Technical Review; 71(2); 36-40M52
Stanojević, Bogdana ; Stanojević, MilanFull Fuzzy Fractional Programming Based on the Extension Principle2023International Symposium SymOrg 2022: Sustainable Business Management and Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID Era; Proceeding; 562 LNNS; 43-60M33
Stepanović, Vanja; Tepavčević, AndrejaFuzzy sets (in)equations with a complete codomain lattice2022Kybernetika; 58(2); 145-162~M23
Matijević, Luka ; Jelić, Slobodan; Davidović, Tatjana General variable neighborhood search approach to group steiner tree problem2023Optimization Letters; 17; 2087-2111M22
Matijević, Luka General Variable Neighborhood Search for Electric Vehicle Routing Problem2022ICVNS Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., October, 25-28, 2022; Book of AbstractM34