Browsing by Author Sharma, Ajay

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Showing results 6 to 16 of 16 < previous 
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayGeneralized composition operators on weighted Hardy spaces1-May-2012Applied Mathematics and Computation; 218(17); 8347-8352M21
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, Ajay; Sharma, SomGeneralized integration operators from the space of integral transforms into bloch-Type spaces1-Jan-2012Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 14(6); 1139-1147M23
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayIntegral-type operators between weighted bergman spaces on the unit disk1-Jan-2012Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications; 14(7); 1339-1344M23
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayIntegral-type operators from bloch-type spaces to QK spaces1-Dec-2011Abstract and Applied Analysis; 2011M21a
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayIterated differentiation followed by composition from Bloch-type spaces to weighted BMOA spaces1-Dec-2011Applied Mathematics and Computation; 218(7); 3574-3580M21
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayOn a product-type operator between Hardy and α-Bloch spaces of the upper half-plane1-Jan-2018Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2018M21
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, Ajay; Bhat, AmbikaProducts of multiplication composition and differentiation operators on weighted Bergman spaces15-Jun-2011Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(20); 8115-8125M21
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayWeighted composition operators between growth spaces of the upper half-plane1-Mar-2011Utilitas Mathematica; 84; 265-272M22
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayWeighted composition operators between Hardy and growth spaces on the upper half-plane15-Jan-2011Applied Mathematics and Computation; 217(10); 4928-4934M21
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, Ajay; Sharma, SomWeighted composition operators from weighted bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces on the upper half-plane16-Sep-2011Abstract and Applied Analysis; 2011M21a
Stević, Stevo ; Sharma, AjayWeighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces with Békollé weights to Bloch-type spaces1-Dec-2015Journal of Inequalities and Applications; 2015(1)M21