Browsing by Author Panina, Gaiane
Showing results 2 to 4 of 4
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Panina, Gaiane; Živaljević, Rade | ENVY-FREE DIVISION VIA CONFIGURATION SPACES | 2023 | Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis; 61(1); 83-106 | ~M22 |
Jojić, Duško; Panina, Gaiane; Živaljević, Rade | Splitting necklaces, with constraints | 2021 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics; 35(2); 1268-1286 | ~M23 |
Jojić, Duško; Panina, Gaiane; Živaljević, Rade | A Tverberg type theorem for collectively unavoidable complexes | 1-Jan-2021 | Israel Journal of Mathematics | ~M22 |