Browsing by Author Kašterović, Simona
Showing results 5 to 15 of 15
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Author(s) | Title | Issue Date | Appears in | Rank |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Kripke Semantics for Lambda Calculus with Pairs and Disjoint Sums | Sep-2019 | Book of Abstracts: Logics and Applications - LAP 2019; 8th International Conference Logic and Applications 2019, 23-27 September 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia; 23-25 | M34 |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Kripke-style semantics and completeness for full simply typed Lambda calculus | 1-Jan-2021 | Journal of Logic and Computation; 30(8); 1567-1608 | ~M21 |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Kripke-style semantics for Full Simply Types Lambda Calculus | Sep-2020 | Book of Abstracts : Logics and Applications - LAP 2020; 9th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2020, September 21 - 25, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia; 12-14 | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Kašterović, Simona; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Probabilistic reasoning about simply typed lambda terms | 1-Jan-2018 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science, LFCS 2018; FL; United States; 8 January 2018 through 11 January 2018; 10703 LNCS; 170-189 | M33 |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Probabilistic Reasoning about Typed Combinatory Logic | 2022 | 11th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2022, September 26 - 29, 2022; Book of Abstracts; 29-31 | M34 |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Probabilistic reasoning with lambda terms | Sep-2017 | Book of Abstracts: Logics and Applications - LAP 2017; 6th International Conference Logic and Applications - LAP 2017, 18-22 September 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Kašterović, Simona | Semantics for Combinatory Logic With Intersection Types | 12-Jul-2022 | Frontiers in Computer Science; 4; 792570 | |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Kašterović, Simona | Towards Completeness of Full Simply Typed Lambda Calculus | Mar-2020 | 26th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, EUTYPES-TYPES, 2-5 March 2020, Turin, Italy; 164-166 | M34 |
Kašterović, Simona; Ghilezan, Silvia | Towards Logic of Combinatory Logic | Sep-2021 | 10th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021, September 20 - 24, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia; Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference Logic and Applications, LAP 2021; 34-36 | M34 |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Kašterović, Simona; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards Probabilistic reasoning about simply typed lambda terms | Nov-2017 | Sedma nacionalna konferencija “Verovatnosne logike i njihove primene” ; Beograd, Srbija, 8. novembar 2017; 11-12 | |
Ghilezan, Silvia ; Ivetić, Jelena; Kašterović, Simona; Ognjanović, Zoran ; Savić, Nenad | Towards Probabilistic Reasoning in Type Theory - The Intersection Type Case | 1-Jan-2020 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); 11th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, FoIKS 2020; Dortmund; Germany; 17 February 2020 through 21 February 2020; 12012 LNCS; 122-139 | M33 |