Browsing by Author Hansen, Pierre

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Showing results 52 to 65 of 65 < previous 
Author(s)TitleIssue DateAppears inRank
Cvetković, Dragoš; Simić, Slobodan ; Caporossi, Gilles; Hansen, PierreVariable neighborhood search for extremal graphs 3. On the largest eigenvalue of color-constrained trees1-Dec-2001Linear and Multilinear Algebra; 49(2); 143-160
Aouchiche, Mustapha; Bell, Francis; Cvetković, Dragoš; Hansen, Pierre; Rowlinson, Peter; Simić, Slobodan ; Stevanović, Dragan Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 16. Some conjectures related to the largest eigenvalue of a graph16-Dec-2008European Journal of Operational Research; 191(3); 661-676M21
Aouchiche, Mustapha; Hansen, Pierre; Stevanović, Dragan Variable neighborhood search for extremal graphs. 17. further conjectures and results about the index1-Jan-2009Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory; 29(1); 15-37
Alguwaizani, Abdulrahman; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Ngai, EricVariable neighborhood search for harmonic means clustering1-Jan-2011Applied Mathematical Modelling; 35(6); 2688-2694M21
Hansen, Pierre; Oǧuz, Ceyda; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search for minimum cost berth allocation16-Dec-2008European Journal of Operational Research; 191(3); 636-649M21
Davidović, Tatjana ; Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable Neighborhood Search for Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem with Communication Delays20014th Int. Conf. Metaheuristics, MIC2001; 737-741M30
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Variable neighborhood search for the maximum clique30-Dec-2004Discrete Applied Mathematics; 145(1 SPEC. ISS.); 117-125M22
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search for the p-median1-Dec-1997Location Science; 5(4); 207-226
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Urošević, Dragan Variable Neighborhood Search for the SPLP - The Sliding Simplex Algorithm2002ISOLDE IX, Fredericton, New Brunswick; 17-17M30
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Todosijević, Raca ; Hanafi, SaïdVariable neighborhood search: basics and variants1-Sep-2017EURO Journal on Computational Optimization; 5(3); 423-454
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighborhood search: Principles and applications1-May-2001European Journal of Operational Research; 130(3); 449-467M22
Hansen, Pierre; Lazić, Jasmina; Mladenović, Nenad Variable neighbourhood search for colour image quantization1-Jan-2007IMA Journal of Management Mathematics; 18(2); 207-221
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Moreno Pérez, José A.Variable neighbourhood search: Methods and applications1-Jan-2010Annals of Operations Research; 175(1); 367-407M22
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad ; Moreno Pérez, JoséVariable neighbourhood search: Methods and applications1-Jan-20084OR : A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research; 6(4); 319-360